Catalog Product Publish Entry (EC13)

Descriptions (EC13)
Media (EC13)
Categories (EC13)
Family (EC13)
Search Words (EC13)
Complements (EC13)

Product Publishing Overview

The Product Publishing (EC13) program allows you to set up a product for publication on your e-Commerce website using the catalog publishing methods from Catalog Publishing (EC10).

  • You can set up web page short product descriptions and longer descriptions with text or HTML, product media such as pictures, and product related search words used by the search engine on the website.

  • You can also set up complementary product suggestions that display when a customer is ready to complete his or her order.

  • You can group products into families so all the family members show up as a group (or with automatic links to each other) on your web page.

  • You can match your product to any number of custom categories which can be related and displayed in any arrangement and hierarchy you like.

Click on the links above for more information on each of the folders in EC13.