Data Classes (EC01)

HTML Code - Folder 1 (EC01)
HTML Object - Folder 2 (EC01)
HTML Page - Folder 3 (EC01)
Web Graphic - Folder 4 (EC01)
Product Media - Folder 5 (EC01)
Product HTML - Folder 6 (EC01)

The Data Classes (EC01) program is used to create and maintain classes of database records within the e-Commerce module. These data class records are used for several purposes in both the back-end maintenance of the e-Commerce site, and for the dynamic presentation of the website data by the web server.

The purpose of EC01 is to classify different types of data in order for:

  • other maintenance programs to present a short-list of available object types that are relative to that program within selector controls (like a drop-boxes, list-boxes, and queries).

  • maintenance programs to set default values for particular data fields of a record when that class is selected (i.e. to set the default height and width values in folder 2 of EC13 when a class is selected from the “Media Class” drop-box).

  • the web programs to dynamically select all data objects of a particular type for display in a particular area of a particular web page.

  • the web programs to identify particular attributes of a data record to determine how to display that data or file (i.e. which sub-directory on the web server contains the graphic file of a particular EC07 object using that Web Graphic class).

EC01 includes the following folders:

  1. HTML Code - maintains the available code classes for the EC02 class drop-box.

  2. HTML Object - maintains the available HTML object classes for the EC03 class drop-box.

  3. HTML Page - maintains the available HTML page classes for the EC05 class drop-box.

  4. Web Graphic - maintains the available web graphic classes and their corresponding web server sub-directory for the EC07 class drop-box and for the web program objects that select those EC07 records for display on the website.

  5. Product Media - maintains the available product media classes, and their corresponding default attributes, for the EC13 Media folder (folder 2) class drop-box.

  6. Product HTML - maintains the available product HTML classes for the EC13 HTML folder (folder 3) class drop-box.

The EC01 program and all of its folders are intended for maintenance by TECSYS staff only. If modification is desired, submit an e-mail request to TECSYS SMB Services:

For additional details on these folders, click on the links above.