Category Relations Entry (EC11)

Relation (EC11)
Products (EC11)
View (EC11)

Additional Information
Circular References

The Category Relations (EC11) program enables you to manage the relationships between existing Catalog Publishing Categories created in Catalog Publishing (EC10) and between Catalog Publishing Categories and Product Publishing records created in Product Publishing (EC13).

  • You can set up parent-child relationships between existing categories. For example, "Office Furniture" can be the parent of child categories "Desks and Chairs" and "Cabinets".

  • A child can have several parents. For example, "Cabinets" can have "Office Furniture", "Home Furniture" and "Now on Sale" categories as parents. Any time a customer clicks on any of these parent categories, the "Cabinets" category displays on the web page.

  • The program also enables you to assign products to multiple categories. For example, you can assign a product called "Ergonomic Chair" to "Desks and Chairs" and "Now on Sale" and it will be displayed (along with other assigned products) when the customer clicks on either category.

Click on the links above for more information on each of the folders in EC11.