Product Price Lists (ICPL.IM18)

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Overview of Product Price Lists
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The Product Price Lists (ibis_icpl) view determines the characteristics of the price lists that are assigned to individual products and commodities. These price lists include master price lists, contracts, specials, common quotes and flyers.

The following list defines every field available in the product price lists (icpl) table in alphabetical order:

  • Company - the company field is available when you create a new price list record. The company defaults to the company assigned to your user id in the Session Parameters view. You can change the default company during the price list creation process only. Once the price list is created, the company to which the price list is associated displays in the General section (at the top of the view).

  • Contains Commodities - this is a system populated field. If the price list has commodities assigned to it in the Product Price List by Commodity (ibis_icplc.im18) view, then this field is populated with Yes. If there are no commodities assigned to the price list in the Product Price List by Commodity view, then this field is populated with No. For more information, please see the Product Price List by Commodity topic.

  • Contains Products - this is a system populated field. If the price list has products assigned to it in the Product Price List by Products (ibis_icplp.im18) view, then this field is populated with Yes. If there are no products assigned to the price list in the Product Price List by Products view, then this field is populated with No. For more information, please see the Product Price List by Products topic.

  • Created By - displays the name of the user who created the record you are viewing or maintaining. May not be overridden.

  • Created On - displays the date on which the record that you are creating or maintaining was created. May not be overridden. May also represent the creation date of the records you are attempting to retrieve.

  • Currency - the currency field is only available when the price list type is master. When you are creating a master price list, enter or select from the look up a currency. This field is validated against the Currency Table (ibis_suct). For all other price list types, the currency defaults to the currency associated with the master price list selected. Once the price list is created, you cannot edit this field.

  • End Date - enter or select from the calendar query the date on which the price list expires. This field is mandatory for flyer type price lists. For all other price list types, this field is optional, with the exception of master price lists; this field is not available for master price lists. The end date must be greater than or equal to the date entered in the start date field.

    • If you modify the end date for a contract, special or common quote, the following message displays: "Do you want to update the start date (mm/dd/yyyy) and end date (mm/dd/yyyy) for all the details associated with this price list? Yes/No". If you select Yes, the end date for all products, commodities or restrictions associated with the price list will be updated automatically. If you select No, the end date will remain unaffected for all the products, commodities and restrictions associated with the price list.

  • Master Price List - enter or select from the look up a master price list. This field required when you are creating a contract, special, quote - common or flyer type price list. The price list must already exist in the system.

  • Modification Counter - this field is not maintainable. The date and time the record was last modified.

  • Modified By - this field is not maintainable. The user or system process that last modified the record.

  • Modified On - this field is not maintainable. The date on which the record was last modified.

  • Nested Commodity Price Lists – displays the commodity price lists embedded view for the current product price list. Allows you to add, modify or delete a commodity price list to the product price list. The product price list by commodity (ibis_ icplc) table is automatically updated.

  • Nested Price Lists – displays the product price list by product embedded view for the current product price list. Allows you to add, modify or delete a product from the price list. The product price list by product (ibis_icplp) table is automatically updated.

  • Nested Price List Restrictions – displays the product price list restrictions embedded view for the current price list. Allows you to add, modify or delete a restriction for the current price list. The product price list restrictions (ibis_icplr) table is automatically updated.

  • Price List - enter a code for the price list. You can enter a maximum of 8 alpha-numeric characters in this field. Once the price list has been created, you cannot edit this field.

  • Price List Description - enter a description of the price list. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters in this field. This is a mandatory field.

  • Price List Type - from the drop list, select the type of price list. Valid options include:

    • Contract
    • Special
    • Quote-Common
    • Flyer
    • Master

  • Start Date - enter or select from the calendar query the date on which the price list comes into effect. The start date defaults to the iTopia system date. This is a mandatory field for contract, special, quote-common and flyer type price lists. This field is not available for master price lists.

    • If you modify the start date for a contract, special or common quote, the following message displays: "Do you want to update the start date (mm/dd/yyyy) and end date (mm/dd/yyyy) for all the details associated with this price list? Yes/No". If you select Yes, the start date for all products, commodities or restrictions associated with the price list will be updated automatically. If you select No, the start date will remain unaffected for all the products, commodities and restrictions associated with the price list.

For the functionality of each action (i.e. button) available on this view, refer to the About the Actions topic.