A/P Canceled Check Register Print (AP81)

The Cancelled Checks Register (AP81) is run following the entry of cancelled Checks in Check Cancellation (AP80). The Cancelled Checks Register will:

  • Print the Cancelled Check Register.

  • Reinstate the Invoice balance for those Invoices paid by the Check(s).

  • Post GL distribution entries to the GL Collector file for the Bank, Payables and Discount GL accounts. These distributions are dated according to the GL Posting Date selected in the Check Cancellation program.

  • Remove the Check(s) from the Outstanding Checks file.

  • Clear the Cancelled Checks transaction file when the acceptance codes are entered for the Register.

  • If you are using the Bank Reconciliation feature, all cancelled checks bound to a Bank Code that is associated with a bank reconciliation GL Account are "removed" from the GL Transactions view in PointForce iTopia (PFiT) (i.e. the cancelled check information is replicated to the GL Transactions view and the cancelled check is removed from the file). For more details on the Bank Reconciliation feature, see the Bank Reconciliation Overview topic.

Note: AP81 cannot be run while the Check Cancellation (AP80) program is active.

Follow these steps when running AP81:

  1. The Printer Selection screen automatically opens. Select the device destination and click OK.

  2. The report automatically prints to the destination selected.

  3. The Report Complete screen opens when the report is generated. Depending on the print device selected, you are presented with one of the following two options:

    1. If you are printing the report to a local printer device, PDF file or to your screen, enter the Acceptance Codes to accept the report, click Restart to restart the printing of the report, or click Abort to cancel the report.

    2. If you are sending the report via an email or fax device, click OK to accept the report, click Restart to restart the fax/email (not always applicable), or click Abort to cancel the report.

    Note: Upon acceptance, the Cancelled Checks transaction file is cleared and the GL distribution records are written to the GL Collector file.