Physical Inventory Page Total (PI11)

Count Sheet Method (PI11)
Tag Method (PI11)

This program is used by the Tag Full, Tag Partial, Sheet Full, and Sheet Partial count methods (see Using Physical Inventory).

PI11 works with warehouse restrictions. Upon first entry to PI11, the operator's default warehouse is selected. In multi-warehouse environments, you may use the Options Menu to change your warehouse selection.

As count sheets or batches of tags are returned for entry, a total of the units counted on each count sheet/tag batch is manually calculated and recorded using this program. As counts are entered in PI12 Physical Count Entry, a total of the entered count units is accumulated for each count sheet page or tag range. These totals are compared to validate that the count quantities were entered correctly; they should be equal. Although entry of the manually calculated total is not mandatory, the verification routine helps to identify data input errors.

Image of PI11T1

Count Area

Enter a valid count area for this count. This field is common to both count sheet and tag based counts.

Verify Totals Button

This button is used to validate that the manually calculated total and the accumulated computer total are equal on each count sheet page. Pages that are not equal are flagged "Out of Balance". This condition should trigger a double check to confirm that all count quantities were entered correctly or that the manual total is correct.