PointForce Enterprise Purge Programs - Complete List
Purge programs are designed to remove data from the database which in turn improves the performance of your system. If automation of any purge program is required, then contact smbservices@tecsys.com for a quote to write the scripts necessary for the automated process to run from the Windows Task Scheduler (i.e. "Scheduled Task" in Windows 7). The following list is a complete list of all PFE purge programs: (To view a list of programs to be run daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly, please click on the links above.) CC98 Historical Data Purge - used to purge the SAAH (Actual Sales Rep Sales) and OBAH (Actual Sales Rep Bookings) and SACS (Commodity Sales) files. Records are permanently removed up to the entered purge year once this program is executed. SACS statistics are reported by SA80; SAAH and OBAH by Crystal Reporting.
AR37 Purge Claims/Charge Backs - This option will delete All Claims/Charge backs that have been archived by program AR36 and which have been created on or before the chosen purge date. [File: ARCH]
AR87 Delete Paid Off Invoices - This option will delete all invoices which have been paid off on or before the chosen purge date from the AR Open Items file. These items will no longer show in SU45/C3 folder. This means you will not be able to backdate an Aging prior to the Purge date. Note: These invoices are still available for viewing in IN45 and payments in SU45-C4 folder. [File: ARAR]
AP88 Purge AP Invoice History – All of the AP invoices and associated Cheque Details which have an Invoice Date Prior to and Including the selected date, have no amount owing, and whose associated cheques are not Outstanding will be PERMANENTLY removed from the History File. These invoices will no longer show in AP45. Matched Receipts Accrual details are also removed from the Outstanding Receipts Accrual file. [Files: APIH/APIHP/APIHG/APRA/APRD]
CC44 Purge Transaction Log - This program will remove records directly from the live transaction log and create date-based archive files in the RP Archives directory. [File: RPTL]
IC90 Purge Inventory Movement - This program will purge Inventory Movement transactions and/or Bin/Lot/Serial Movement transactions up to and including the entered Purge Date for ALL Warehouses. Details will no longer show in IC45/V3 folder or report on IC80. [File: ICIM]
IC91 Purge Lot/Serial Transactions - This program will purge Bin/Lot/Serial records for a selected warehouse and is only relative to multi-bin installations, or lot-serial installations where invoice history and purchasing history has already been purged. Details will no longer show in IC45/V2 folder. [File: ICMS/ICMT]
IN88 Purge Converted RMAs – this program purges RMAs that have been converted to Credit Notes, Invoices or Sales Orders up to and including the purge date entered. Note: RMAs that have no detail lines with a date prior to or equal to the purge date entered are also purged by IN88. Details will no longer show in IN67. [File: INRM/INRMD]
IN89 Purge Invoice History - This program is used to delete Invoice details from the Invoice History file and associated Payment History that are no longer required. You can purge by date or by Invoice number. Note: Any Invoice that still exists in the Account Receivable file is not deleted, regardless of the date or Invoice range selected. Details will no longer show in SU45/I1 and C4 folders and invoices cannot be reprinted in IN50. [File: INIH/INID/INIDP/INIHP]
OE87 Sales Order Purge - removes all Sales Order lines for the specified season code(s). If you do not have Season Codes set up in 'Maintain Inventory Tables' (IN09/Season Codes), you cannot run OE87. [File: OE00]
OE89 Purge Bookings Info File - All of the orders currently in the Booking Analysis file which have a date prior to or including the Purge date will be Permanently removed from the Booking Analysis file! These booking statistics are reported via Crystal Reporting. [Files: OBBH/OBBD]
PO87 Purge Weekly Purchases - This program will purge weekly purchases up to and including the calendar year you select. These statistics are reported via Crystal Reporting. [File: POWP]
PO88 Delete Purchasing History - This program will permanently remove receipt and/or purchasing history from the PO History file up to and including the Purge Date you choose. You have a choice of selecting just Receipts or just Purchase Orders or both.
Purchase Orders: Based upon Purchase Order date. Details will no longer show in IC45/C3 or on PO82 [Files: POPH/POPHL] Stats will also be removed from the Purchasing History File viewed by iTopia. [Files: POHH/POHD]
SA59 Purge Commission Archived - This routine will purge all Commission records archived by SA56 up to the specified date. [File: SAUCH]
SA61 Purge Royalty Archive - This routine will purge all paid Royalty records archived by SA58 up to and including the specified date. [File: SAURH]
SA94 Purge Weekly Sales - This program will purge weekly sales up to and including the calendar year you select. These statistics are reported via Crystal Reporting. [File: SAWS]
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