Crystal Reports
The Crystal Reports (CR01) program is used to create an organized list of your predefined Crystal reports within folders and sub-folders that can be easily accessed without having to navigate using the Crystal Reports program.
CR01 allows any Enterprise Client workstation to launch a pre-defined Crystal Report using PointForce Enterprises’ built-in Crystal Reports Runtime module. A full version of the Crystal Reports application is only required on those workstations that you wish to design or customized reports on. Runtime reports require that the Enterprise ODBC be pre-configured on the workstation before the report is launched. The Enterprise ODBC is installed on all Enterprise Client workstations but must be configured for use using the Enterprise Program Menu's Help/About/ODBC. CR01 is configured by an administrator to organize the pre-defined reports into folders and sub-folders. Pre-defined reports can be selected from the Enterprise Database Guide's collection of sample reports or can be created using the full Crystal Reports application. There are three phases that you must follow to create a report tree. These phases are found under the Goto menu. We recommend that you execute the following options in the order listed below when creating or adding to an existing tree:
The following defines every field on CR01:
When you click on a report, the CR01 window changes as follows:
The following table outlines the functionality of the buttons on CR01:
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