MyFax Technical Notes:
Cover Pages:
Both PointForce Enterprise (PFE) and MyFax have a Cover Page option:
- PFE in Internet Fax Group Accounts (FX07)
- MyFax at
Because the PointForce Enterprise system is submitting your fax documents to an Internet service via an e-mail, we need to determine prior to the document’s submission that you wish to utilize the MyFax Cover page option, and our software needs to forward your cover page details to the service as part of the email submission.
The MyFax service has a cover page option that can be toggled on or off in the user’s account settings. When an email is received and processed through the service, it is the MyFax cover page toggle that determines whether or not MyFax will prefix your fax with a cover page.
Since we don’t know whether or not the MyFax flag is turned on when we prepare and then send your document(s) for submission to MyFax Servers, you need to align the Cover Page flag setting in the PointForce software to match the Cover Page setting you have set in your MyFax account.
- PFE Cover Page = YES / MyFax Cover Page = YES:
- If you want to include a cover page with your faxes, this is the appropriate set up.
- In this case, the Cover Page flag in FX07 is selected for the appropriate Group Account and the 'Default Cover Page' field on the 'Send Preferences' window at is set to a valid fax page option.
- Here is an example of a Cover Page that has been customized for Tecsys:

Example of a Customized Cover Page
- If you want to customize a cover page in MyFax, select a Cover Page from the 'Default Cover Page' drop list and then click Download.
- With the cover page on your local (or network) drive, add your company's logo or make any other changes required and save the cover page with a new name.
- On the 'Send Preferences' page at you must upload the new cover page back into MyFax:
- In the 'File to Upload' field, browse to the location of the cover page on your local (or network) drive.
- Once the file name is entered, you need to give the cover page a name in MyFax in the 'Cover Page Name' field.
- Click Add Cover Page.
- You can now select your customized cover page from the 'Default Cover Page' drop list.
- Note: We recommend that you use caution when customizing the cover page in MyFax. If you require additional information, please contact MyFax support.
- PFE Cover Page = NO / MyFax Cover Page = NO:
- If you do not want to include a cover page with your faxes, this is the appropriate set up.
- In this case, the Cover Page flag in FX07 is de-selected for the appropriate Group Account and the 'Default Cover Page' field on the 'Send Preferences' window at is set to 'None'.
- PFE Cover Page = YES / MyFax Cover Page = NO:
- PFE Cover Page = NO / MyFax Cover Page = YES:
- This set up will produce a formatted Cover Page, but the information in the Comments section on the Cover Page will be blank.
- In this case, the Cover Page flag in FX07 is de-selected for the appropriate Group Account and the 'Default Cover Page' field on the 'Send Preferences' window at is set to a valid fax page option.
- Here is an example of a formatted cover page with no comments:

Example of a formatted Cover Page with no Comments
- PFE controls the information that displays in the Comments section on the cover page. Since the Cover Page flag in FX07 is NOT selected, this information is not sent along with the fax and does not appear on the cover page.
- Because MyFax is set to a valid fax option, the fax cover page has the correct formatting.
Configuration Requirements:
There are two items that you should be aware of:
- Verify with your IT Department that your SMTP Email controls and/or SPAM filtering allows the MyFax email 'send to' formatting, for example
- Your IT Department may also need to configure your firewall to accept the send to formatting.
- If further difficulties are encountered, please contact MyFax support.