R1 - Pricing (SU45)
This program's primary function is to facilitate customer based pricing inquiries. The system has a complex price matrix, with many variables conditional upon the customer, product and quantity or product purchased. This program is designed to duplicate the pricing logic used within the Order Entry and Invoicing system.
Enter a valid product code, as previously defined via Maintain Inventory Master(IM13). Once a Product code has been entered, the Product's Description appears below the field and the product information, pricing, availability and cost fields are updated accordingly.
Note: If a Customer Part Number has been created for the Product via Maintain Customer Part Numbers(IM40), enter the customer's product code and the corresponding product code will be displayed.
Pricing Display
Quantity - Enter the proposed order quantity. The pricing routine is executed and the applicable price, based upon customer pricing, flyer pricing, quantity break pricing, etc., is displayed. The sales extension and method used to calculate the price (i.e. quantity break pricing, flyer pricing, specials.) is displayed according to the rules and controls specifically set for each customer in Maintain Customer Master(SU13).
Pricing - This section displays the standard Quantity Break pricing for the product (up to the maximum allowable of 7), as maintained in Maintain Inventory Master(IM13). If you have access to view costs (as maintained in CC03) then the Average Gross Margin percentage and the Replacement Gross Margin percentage is displayed. If the product is currently on other active Price Lists, the pricing with the Qty Breaks is displayed here. This is used as a point of reference when reviewing the Customer's specific pricing results.
Product Information- Displays product information from IM13 and PO13, such as Product group, Retail price, Customers Product code, Inner pack, Standard ship pack, the Primary supplier, Supplier product code, the product's Lead-time and UPC code, for reference purposes only.
Product Availability - Current quantity balances and min and max values for the product are displayed. If you have access to view costs then the most up to date costs are displayed. The values displayed are Average Cost, Replacement Cost and Latest Cost.
![R1- Pricing and Costs](su/images/su45_pricing.gif)
Folder R1- Pricing and Costs
View PO Button
Click the View PO button to open the IC45- C1 Purchase Orders folder for the product entered and display any outstanding PO detail lines with the appropriate PO order quantities, and expected delivery dates. This is useful when attempting to answer customer inquiries relating to back ordered products.
![View PO](su/images/su45_pricing_viewpo.gif)
View PO
View Subs Button
The View Subs button is activated only when a substitute for the product has been entered via Substitute Maintenance(IM14). It displays the complete list of substitute products with the available quantities to assist you with customer inquiry concerns.
![View Subs](su/images/su45_pricing_subs.gif)
View Substitutions
Explosion Button
If the selected product is an assembled set or model, click the Explosion button to open the IC45 -R3 Set Explosion folder and display the availability of the components to make up this set or model.