Customer Inquiries (SU45)
SU45 Customer Inquires
The SU45 program is the central location for customer-based inquiries. Information is grouped according to the menu titles. Your access to these folders may be restricted via program CC03.
There are several options available to access the various folders.
- Option 1 - Click on the folder.
- Option 2 - Use the program Menu to access the drop down lists.
- Option 3 - Use the keyboard by holding the Alt key, then pressing the underlined characters on the Menu you wish to access, then press the number of the applicable folder. E.g. to access Orders/Quotes/Invoices hold down the Alt key and press the letter "I", then the number "1".
The Customer code entered will be used for all folder information and displays. If the customer code is not on file, the customer query is automatically opened. The customer's key information, including Address, phone number, status, web page, etc. is always visible at the top of screen regardless of the information being accessed.
Customer Notes Button
This button when pressed opens up a note pad. You may wish to enter notes for a customer for all staff to view from within this folder. All Notes are stamped with the date, time and the operator who entered the note. Once entered, Notes are saved and listed with the most recent notes first.
Existing Notes Button
This button is displayed when notes exist for the customer. This is useful when you are not currently viewing the Notes folder and acts as a subtle reminder that Notes exist on the C0 folder.
Customer Documents Button
Press the button to open a customer related documents folder defined in the Maintain Customer Master(SU13) Client Documents field.
Customer Intranet Page Button
Press the button to open your browser and displays the external customer related web page if specified in the Maintain Customer Master(SU13) Intranet field.
Menu - Goto
As a convenience, these menu options open other programs associated to the customer for maintenance and review.
- Maintenance - Links to SU13 with Customer automatically loaded.
- Mailing Attention - Links to SU18 with Customer automatically loaded.
- Ship-Tos - Links to SU14 with Customer automatically loaded.
- Credit Cards - Links to SU11 with Customer automatically loaded.
- Whse -to change the default warehouse code used for product data in this screen.
- Customer - offers three additional sub-menu options.
- Web Site - automatically loads your web browser with the customer's web page as maintained in SU13.
- Documents - automatically opens Windows Explorer in the customer's documents directory as maintained in SU13.
- Intranet - automatically loads the customer's Intranet web page as maintained in SU13.
Provides four additional sub-menus. The contact information is only available within the menu when the C1 Contact folder is open, otherwise this menu selection is disabled.
- Site
- This menu selection opens a web browser and displays the contact related external web page specified in the SU20 www field.
- Contact Documents - This menu selection opens the contact related file set up in the SU20 documents field.
- Contact Intranet - This menu selection opens a browser and displays the contact intranet link as specified in the SU20 Intranet field.
- New Message - This menu selection opens a new message in the default e-mail application. The "To:" field of the message is populated with the e-mail address specified in the SU20 E-Mail field.
Press the button to input a new customer code. The cursor goes to the Customer field and the Customer code is highlighted. The new code typed in replaces the old one in the field. When tab is pressed, the field is checked to see if the customer exists. If it doesn't exist the Customer query dialogue box is opened.
This opens the Help text into your computer's browser.