Additional Information
Print Mail Attention Codes (SU19)

The Maintain Customer Attention Master (SU18) program manages a table of contact names & telephone numbers by customer. The Customer Attention records can be printed using the Print Mail Attention Codes (SU19) program.

The following defines every field in the SU18:

  • Customer - enter or select from the query a valid Customer code. Once a valid Customer code is entered, the Customer name automatically displays below this field. Note: If you enter an invalid Customer code in this field, the Customer query automatically opens.

  • Attention Code - enter or select from the query a valid Attention Code. Once a valid code is entered, the Attention Code name automatically displays to the right of this field. Note: If you enter an invalid Attention Code, the Mail Attention Code query automatically opens.

    • Attention Codes are maintained on the Mail Attention Title folder in Maintain Support Tables (SU09). For more information on SU09/Mail Attention Title, click here.

  • Contact Name - enter a Contact Name that is associated with the Attentino Code. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters in this field.

  • Telephone - enter the contact's telephone number in this field. You can enter a maximum of 20 alpha numeric characters in this field. Note: When adding new Attention Codes to an existing Customer, the Telephone number from the previous record remains in the Telephone field.

  • List box - the list box displays the Attention Code, Contact Name and Telephone number. You can recall a record for modification by double clicking on the line in the list box.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on the SU18:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Delete header Delete header Deletes the Customer Attention Master for the current Customer.
Update Update Saves the entered information for the current record.
Delete Delete Deletes the Attention Code and Contact Name for the current record.
New New Clears all of the information in the all of the fields.

Maintain Customer Attn Master (SU18)
Maintain Customer Attn Master (SU18)