Maintain Customer Master (SU13)

OE/AR Folder (SU13)
Info Folder (SU13)
Pricing Folder (SU13)
Custom Folder (SU13)
User Defined Fields 5 Folder (SU13)
User Defined Fields 6 Folder (SU13)
User Defined Fields 7 Folder (SU13)

The Maintain Customer Master program manages the customer information used by the Order Entry, Invoicing, Accounts Receivable, Retail Sales and Sales Analysis systems. Adding new customers to the master file at the time they are acquired and maintain existing customers (e.g. change credit limits) are accomplished using this program.

Customer Code

Enter a customer code for each customer. Each customer must have a unique code and it is suggested that the code adhere to a standardized coding convention.

Customer Coding Conventions

A coding structure that depicts the customer's name has the following advantages:
  • i) The code automatically sorts the customers into alphabetical sequence. Therefore, no sorting is required for customer listing or sales reports.
  • ii) Orders do not have to be pre-coded with the customer code. The operator can determine the code from the customer name or customer name and address on the order.
  • iii) When a customer inquiry is made, customer service can quickly determine the customer code by knowing the name and address, thus retrieving the customer information without looking up the customer code on a master list.

Suggested rules used to achieve this coding structure are:

  • i) If the company has only one word or a series of letters for its name, use the first 6 characters or the letters for the code.
    e.g. code for XEROX is XEROX or code for PointForce is POINTF
  • ii) If the company has more than one word in its name, use the first 3 characters of the first name and the first 3 characters of the second name for the code.
    e.g. code for TEXAS INSTRUMENTS is TEXINSDuplicate codes may be generated when first assigning codes. If this happens, use the first 3 characters of the first name and the first 3 numbers of the street address.e.g. code for TEXAS INSTITUTE, 103 Queen St. is TEX103
  • iii) If the company has a proper name, use the first 3 characters of the last name and the first 3 characters of the first name.
    e.g. code for ROBERT SIMPSON CO. is SIMROB
  • iv) If the company has a chain of stores, use the first 3 characters of the first name and the store number (if available) or the first 3 numbers of the street address.
    e.g. code for EATONS store 108 is EAT108 .If the store numbers are 4 characters, use the first 2 characters of the name and the store number.

Special Logic Coding Conventions

Winsol contains special logic coding conventions that provide special features in programs if used. This logic is used for warehouse locations involved in inventory transfers and sales reps involved in inventory consignments.

Inventory Transfers
Each location that is involved in inventory transfers must be set up as a customer in this program, coded as a number sign (#) plus the 2 digit warehouse code. In addition, the Class of Trade code must be set to STO or WHS and the Sales Office must be set to the store/warehouse location code being built. The Customer Type must be set to 9.
For example, warehouse 02 would be set up as follows:
  • #02 = Customer Code
  • WHS = Class of Trade Code
  • 02 = Sales Office Code
  • 9 = Customer Type
Inventory transfers processed via Order Entry/Invoicing or via Inventory Adjustments require that the locations be set up in this program. For inventory transfers processed via the Order Entry/Invoicing system, see help text for Maintain TAT Codes(IN02). In addition, transfers processed via the Order Entry/Invoicing cycle require the appropriate GL information to be set up in the GL relating table in CC00.

Consignments - Salesreps
In order to use the Consigned Inventory option to account for a sales rep's consigned inventory, each sales rep must be set up in SU13 as a customer; no special coding is required. (See help text for Consignments in IN02 - Maintain TAT Codes for an explanation of how consignment transactions are processed.)

Customer Name

Enter the customer's name, maximum 30 characters. This name is printed on all reports that reference customers (sales reports, aging report, open order reports, etc.). Where necessary, this field should include some designation of store number or location if multiple accounts share the same name (e.g., EATONS - YORKDALE).
The system maintains a customer name cross-reference to the customer master file. This enables customers to be reviewed in name sequence and provides an alpha sequence file that is used by the Master File Lookup routine to identify customer codes via the customer name (i.e., entry of the customer name cross references the user to the customer code).

Customer Information

Enter the customer's address, telephone and fax information. If the optional fax system is installed, enter the fax phone number in the same format if manually dialing the fax number -- include 1 and area code, where applicable. Any special characters or spaces are removed before the fax phone number is passed on to the Fax system.

Date Opened

This is the date the account was opened and is automatically populated with the default date when you create a new customer. The default date is the company run date . The Account Inquiry (SU45)program displays this date.

AR Status

Enter the customer's accounts recievable status code.
  • A: Current and Active - This is the system default and should be defined to all customers doing regular business.
  • H: Customer On Hold - An order may be taken for this customer but it is placed on credit hold. A warning is displayed upon order entry (OE30) indicating the customer status is H and the order will be placed on hold.
  • D: Ready to Delete - Customer is flagged for deletion. Another program (SU16) is run to delete the customer from the system's files only if the customer is completely inactive (i.e. no orders or invoices exist). Pressing the Delete button in this program automatically sets the status to D.
  • P: Pending credit approval - An order may be taken for this customer but it is placed on credit hold. A warning is displayed upon order entry indicating the customer status is P and the order will be placed on hold.

    Maintain Customer Master
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