The Attention Codes are defined in SU09 and are assigned to Customers in Maintain Customer Attention Master (SU18).

The following Attention Codes are predefined in Enterprise:

  • 1 - Accounts Payable
  • 2 - Purchasing
  • 3 - President

Creating or Modifying Attention Codes:

  1. Enter or select from the Query a code in the Attention field. This code can be a maximum of 1 character in length. You may use an alpha character or a numeric digit.

  2. Enter the description or title of the Attention Code in the Title field. The Title can be a maximum of 20 characters in length. You may use an alpha-numeric combination.

  3. Click Update to add this code to the system.

Deleting an Attention Code:

  1. Enter or select from the Query the appropriate Attention code.

  2. Click Delete to remove the code from the system.

Attention Codes
SU09/Attention Codes