Maintain Support Tables (SU09)

Attention Codes (SU09)
Carrier Account Numbers (SU09)
Class of Trade (SU09)
Languages (SU09)
Sales Groups (SU09)
Sales Reps (SU09)
Sales Rep Groups (SU09)
Ship Vias (SU09)
Terms (SU09)
Territories (SU09)
Zones (SU09)
Warehouse/Zone (SU09)

The Maintain Support Tables (SU09) maintains the specific codes defined at your site that are associated to each Customer created in Maintain Customer Master (SU13).

There is a navigation tree on the left side of the panel that allows you to open each folder in SU09. To access a folder, double click on the folder name in the left-panel and the folder opens to the right. To access the Help for any folder from this window, click on the folder name in the index above.

Note: The availability of the following two options depends on the settings in Company Control Initialization (CC00).

  • When Order Management is in use, the options on the navigation tree include 'Warehouse/Zone' and 'Zones'. When Order Management is not in use, these options are not displayed. Order Management is in use when the 'Utilize Order Management' check box in Company Control Initialization (CC00/Order Entry) is selected.

  • The 'Carrier Account Numbers' option is available if you have purchased the Packing Station module with TMS, and the 'Utilize TMS' flag is selected in CC00/Packing Station/TMS Parameters.

Maintain Support Tables
Maintain Support Tables (SU09)