Invoice Listing and Creation (SE42)
Invoice Listing and Creation (SE42)The Invoice Listing and Creation prints an edit list of all calls closed but not yet invoiced, and calls in progress where the Issue Invoice option of the Close folder of Enter Service Calls has been selected but not yet executed.The Invoice Listing and Creation (SE42) program will print a complete listing of all service calls and estimates that have been flagged as Issue Invoice or Close Call since the last time the Invoice Listing & Creation (SE42) was run. Invoicing charges are printed for each call, summarized by Parts, Time and Other Charges. Total A/R and Warranty Claims are also provided. Upon acceptance of the report a Direct Bill invoice is generated for each service call appearing on the report. An invoice line is created for each part, time or other charge entry, whether the item is chargeable or not. The TAT code used at the time of entry determines the charge. Whenever the service call line is covered by warranty and the proper manufacturer’s information has been entered in Enter Service Calls (SE30), and if the Service Sales Office is configured to Generate Warranty Invoices, a second invoice is prepared to charge the manufacturer with the warranty charge and the original charge to the customer is automatically made No Charge. If the invoice has been successfully generated, statistical Service files are updated with details of the call. If the service call being processed is to be closed, it is transferred from the open service calls files to the service call history files and the call is removed from the open service calls files. If the action being performed was Issue Invoice, then the service call is added to the service history files, but the call remains in the open service calls files. Estimates do not generate invoices or update SE statistical files, but if closed they are transferred from the open service calls files to the service call history files and removed from the open service calls files.
The following Invoice Listing and Creation print program features are supported:
The following lists the restrictions for the Invoice Transfer List:
Once you have updated the Sales Office and GL Posting Date restrictions, a list of invoices that will be generated is printed.
Upon entering the Acceptance Codes for the report the follow occurs.