Explanation of Executive Summary Statistics
The statistics in the Executive Summary file (SAES) are updated by two programs:
- S/A Executive Summary Statistics Generation (ibis_sa30) updates the booking statistics, the outstanding back orders (B/O), purchase orders (P/O) and inventory balances, and the company total balances.
- Invoice & Credit Note Update (ibis_in43) updates the invoice/sales related statistics.
These statistics are reported by the Executive Sales Summary views: Sales Executive Summary Current Period (ibis_saesi.sa49_exec_summ_current) and Sales Executive Summary Next Period (ibis_saesi.sa49_exec_summ_next).
Note: All updates are done per the order/invoice's warehouse assignment. For example, an order is entered in sales office 01 but shipped out of warehouse 04. On the day that the order is entered, the bookings will be reported under warehouse 04. On the day that the order is invoiced, the sales will be reported under warehouse 04.
Booking Section:
The Booking Section reports statistics for new orders booked, cancelled orders, mistake orders and the net of those categories.
- When a new order is entered, it updates the orders booked statistics for the total order value.
- If you recall an order and increase or decrease the selling price or discount, the impact of that change (+ or -) is reported under booked dollars.
- If you recall an order and increase the order quantity, the impact of that change is reported under booked dollars.
When an entire order or an order detail line is deleted or the order quantity is reduced, the following message automatically displays: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No".
- If you click Yes, then this is considered a cancellation on the report.
- If you click No, then this is considered a mistake on the report.
Orders Booked - this statistic is incremented by one for the following types of transactions with product sales:
- New order (including orders that are fully back ordered and future orders) entered through Order & Quote Entry (ibis_oe30).
- For quotes when they are turned into an order.
- Direct bills processed through Invoice Direct Bill & Credit Note Entry (ibis_in41).
- New retail invoices entered through Retail Cash Counter Invoice Entry (ibis_rs41)
- Orders imported and automatically generated for e-commerce in Cart Processor (ibis_ec33), e-sales in Sales Order Import (ibis_es52) and EDI Processing in SO Generation (ibis_ei25).
- Orders for customers flagged for summary invoicing will increment this counter but the order number assigned when the summary invoice is generated by Summary Invoice Generation (ibis_si90) will NOT increment this counter.
Service invoices generated by Invoice Creation and Print (ibis_se42) and contract invoices generated by Contract Billing Transfer List/Update (ibis_ct42).
- Although an order number is assigned when interest invoices are generated by A/R Interest Charge Audit (ibis_ar82), this counter is NOT incremented for those transactions.
- Store/warehouse transfers, floor charges, direct bills with no product detail lines (i.e. freight charges only) and credit notes do NOT increment this counter.
- If an order is cancelled as a mistake or cancellation before it has passed through Executive Summary Stats Generation (ibis_sa30), then this statistic is decremented.
- If a direct bill is entered in IN41 and then cancelled, the result is no net impact on this statistic.
Number of Order Lines Booked - the total number of product detail lines processed on the following types of transactions increment this statistic by an increment of one:
- New orders (including orders that are fully back ordered and future orders) entered through OE30.
- Direct bills processed through IN41.
- New retail invoices entered in RS41.
- Orders imported and automatically generated for e-commerce in EC33, e-sales in ES52, and EDI processing in EI25.
- Orders for customers flagged for summary invoicing will increment this counter but the summary invoice generated by SI90 does not increment this counter because it does not contain product detail records.
- Service invoices generated by SE42 and contract invoices generated by CT42.
- Interest invoices generated by AR82 are NOT included because they do not contain product detail records.
- Store/warehouse transfers, floor charges, direct bills with no product detail lines (i.e. freight charges only) and credit notes will NOT increment the counter.
Average No of Lines Per Order - is calculated as the 'number of order lines booked' divided by the number of 'orders booked'.
Booked Dollars - the total dollar value of product detail lines on the following types of transactions update this statistic:
- New orders (including orders that are fully back ordered, future orders and pre-bill orders) entered through OE30.
- For quotes when they are turned into an order.
- Direct bills processed through IN41.
- New retail invoices entered in RS41.
- Orders imported and automatically generated for e-commerce in EC33, e-sales in ES52, and EDI processing in EI25.
- Orders for customers flagged for summary invoicing will update this total but the summary invoice generated by SI90 does not update the total because it does not contain product detail records.
- Service invoices generated by SE42 and contract invoices generated by CT42.
- Interest invoices generated by AR82 are NOT included because they do not contain product detail records.
- If an order is recalled and the selling price or discount is changed or the order quantity is increased, the impact of that change is included in this total.
- Store/warehouse transfers, floor charges, direct bills with no product detail lines (i.e. freight charges only) and credit notes will NOT update this total.
If an order is cancelled as a mistake before the original order passes through SA30, then this statistic is decremented.
Average Booked Order Including B/O's - is calculated as 'booked dollars' divided by the number of 'orders booked'.
Orders Cancelled - this statistic is incremented if any order that has already passed through SA30 is recalled and deleted and the operator responds Yes to the following message: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No". If the order has not passed through SA30 yet, then the cancellation is backed out of orders booked statistic and is not reported under orders cancelled.
Number of Cancelled Order Lines - this is the total number of all product detail lines deleted when an entire order is deleted or an individual product detail line is deleted and the operator responds Yes to the following message: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No".
Cancelled Dollars - the total dollar value of all deleted product detail lines when an entire order or individual order detail line is deleted or the order quantity is reduced and the operator responds Yes to the following message: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No". This is applicable before or after the order has passed through SA30; the cancellation is reported under cancelled dollars.
Mistake Orders - this statistic is incremented if any order that has already passed through SA30 is recalled and deleted and the operator responds No to the following message: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No". If the order has not passed through SA30 yet, then the cancellation is backed out of orders booked, and is not reported under mistake orders.
Number of Mistake Order Lines - this is the total number of all product lines deleted when an entire order is deleted and the operator responds No to the following message: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No". This is applicable if the order has already passed through SA30 and is then deleted as a mistake.
Mistake Dollars - the total dollar value of all deleted product detail lines when an entire order or an individual order detail line is deleted or the order quantity is reduced and the operator responds No to the following message: "Is this a customer cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No". This is applicable if the order has already passed through SA30 and was then deleted as a mistake. If the order has not passed through SA30 yet, then the cancellation is backed out of the booked dollars statistic, and is not reported under mistake dollars.
Net Orders Booked - is calculated as the net of 'orders booked' less 'orders cancelled' less 'mistake orders'.
Net Number of Order Lines Booked - is calculated as the net of 'number of order lines booked' less 'number of cancelled order lines' less 'number of mistake order lines'.
Net average Number of Lines per Order - is calculated as the 'net number of order lines booked' divided by 'net orders booked'.
Net Booked Dollars - is calculated as the net of 'booked dollars' less 'cancelled dollars' less 'mistake dollars'.
Average Net Dollars Booked
- is calculated as the 'net booked dollars' divided by 'net orders booked'.
Invoicing Section:
The Invoicing Section report statistics related to invoices and credit notes.
Number of Invoices - this statistic is incremented by one for the following types of transactions:
- Each new order/back order that is invoiced in IN41.
- Each new direct bill entered in IN41 (even if supplementary charge only).
- Each new retail invoice entered in RS41.
- Each interest invoice generated by AR82.
- Each accrual invoice for summary invoicing and each summary invoice generated by SI90.
- Each contract invoice generated by CT42 and each service invoice generated by SE42.
- Store/warehouse transfers, credit notes and floor charges do not increment this counter.
- If an invoice is created and then recalled and cancelled, the invoice number is still 'used' but it is not included in this counter.
Number of Invoiced Lines - the total number of product detail lines processed on the following types of transactions:
- Orders/back orders invoiced in IN41.
- Direct bills entered in IN41.
- Retail invoices entered in RS41.
- For customers flagged for summary invoicing, product detail lines are included for the accrual invoice but the summary invoice generated by SI90 is not included because it does not contain product detail records.
- Product detail lines related to contract invoices generated by CT42 and service invoices generated by SE42.
- Interest invoices generated by AR82 are not included because they do not contain product detail records.
- Store/warehouse transfers, credit notes and floor charges do not increment this counter.
Average No. of Lines per Invoice - is calculated as the 'number of invoiced lines' divided by the 'number of invoices'.
Invoiced Sales - the total dollar value of product detail lines processed on the following types of transactions INCLUDING credit notes (does not include supplementary charges and taxes):
- Sales for product detail lines for new orders and back orders that are invoiced in IN41.
- New direct bills and credit notes entered in IN41.
- New retail invoices entered in RS41.
- Sales for customers flagged for summary invoicing are included for the accrual invoice, but the summary invoice generated by SI90 is not included because it does not contain product detail records.
- Product sales related to contract invoices generated by CT42 and service invoices generated by SE42.
- Sales/warehouse transfers and floor charges do not increment this total.
- Interest invoices generated by AR82 are not included because they do not contain product detail records.
Average Sales per Invoice - is calculated as the 'invoiced sales' divided by the 'number of invoices'.
Number of Lines Invoiced (New Orders) - this counter is incremented if the order detail line is for a stock product (as defined in IM13). The original order is being invoiced for the first time (i.e. not invoicing a back order), qty shipped to date is zero and there is a quantity to ship. Lines partially shipped will increment this counter. This includes:
- Orders/back orders invoiced in IN41.
- Direct bills entered in IN41.
- Retail invoices entered in RS41.
For customers flagged for summary invoicing, product detail lines are included for the accrual invoice but the summary invoice generated by SI90 is not included because it does not contain product detail records.
- Product detail lines related to contract invoices generated by CT42 and service invoices generated by SE42.
- Interest invoices generated by AR82 are not included because they do not contain product detail records.
- Store/warehouse transfers, credit notes and floor charges do not increment this counter.
- This counter is incremented by '1' for each assembled set detail line, if shipped from prepack or components. For models it is incremented by '1' for the model and each component detail line.
Number of Lines B/O'd (New Orders) - is calculated as the sum of all fully back ordered lines for stock products on new invoices (i.e. orders that are being invoiced for the first time and qty to ship=0).
Fill Rate for Stock Products - is calculated as the 'number of lines invoiced (new orders)' divided by the sum of the 'number of lines invoiced (new orders)' plus the 'number of lines B/O'd (new orders)'. Note: Only stock products are included; non-stock products are not included.
Number of Stock Transfers - the number of invoices for all shipments (original and back order) to a company-owned store or warehouse. These are invoices where the customer's 'class of trade' is set to STO or WHS (which in turn means the TAT code is set to TRN or WHS). Transfer credit notes also increment this counter.
Number of Lines New Stock Transfers - the sum of all product detail lines on all stock transfer invoices (for original and back order shipments) and credit notes (the TAT code is set to TRN or WHS).
Net Value of Stock Transfers - the dollar value of all product detail lines on all stock transfer invoices (for original and back order shipments) and credit notes (the TAT code is set to TRN or WHS). This is calculated as the ship quantity multiplied by the average cost.
Number of Credit Notes - the number of credit notes entered in IN41. Credits for stock transfers and floor charges are not included in this counter.
Value of Credit Notes - the total dollar value of product detail lines processed on all credit notes entered in IN41. Supplementary charges and taxes are not included in this value. Note: This is memo information only; the value of the credit notes is already included under invoiced sales.
Gross Profit - the gross profit % is calculated as net sales minus cost of sales (stored in the SAES file but not presented on the report) divided by net sales. Supplementary charges and taxes are not included.
Outstanding B/O Balance - the total dollar value and number of lines of outstanding back orders. The statistics reported are as of the last running of SA30; there is no 'current/next' month implication. The dollar value is the extension of B/O qty multiplied by the price less discount from the open order file. Transfers are valued at replacement cost. The following categories are reported:
- Stock items - back order lines for products with a stock flag of 'S' in Products (ibis_im13).
- Non-stock items - back order lines for products with a stock flag of 'N' in IM13.
Transfers - back order lines with a TAT code of 'TRN' or 'WHS'.
- Special products - back order lines where the high-order characters of the product code match the special product mask defined in Company Control Initialization (ibis_cc00/Inventory Control).
Outstanding P/O Balance - the value of all outstanding purchase orders (POs).
- The value reported is taken from the last run of SA30; there is no 'current/next' month implication.
- Foreign currency purchase orders are converted to domestic equivalent by applying the associated purchasing exchange rate from Currency Entry (ibis_cc22).
- The total reported on the P/O Outstanding Print (ibis__po80) does not do an exchange conversion; if there are outstanding foreign currency Purchase orders then this total will not balance to PO80.
- In-transit purchase orders are not included.
Inventory Balance - the current value of inventory from the inventory general ledger accounts defined in CC00/Invoicing/General Ledger.
- The statistic reported is taken from the last run of SA30. There is no 'current/next' month implication; the value reported is 'up to the minute'.
- SA30 reads the CC00/Invoicing/General Ledger table for the inventory control accounts, builds a list of accounts by warehouse and then goes to the general ledger and accumulates the inventory balance.
- If two warehouses specify the same inventory control account in CC00, then the inventory balance will report in the warehouse with the first occurrence and the other(s) will be zero. For example, you have an inventory account for warehouse 01 defined as 11-1000 and warehouse 02 defined as 11-1000 (the same as warehouse 01). The inventory balance will report for warehouse 01 and for warehouse 02 will be zero.
- This explains why the inventory Balance reports as zero for a warehouse but has a value on the Inventory Evaluation Print (ibis_ic81) report, which accumulates the extended value of each product as quantity on Hand multiplied by average cost.
- This total will likely not balance to IC81 unless the evaluation is regularly reconciled to the GL control account(s).
Company Totals Only:
A/R Balance - the current balance from the accounts receivable general ledger account(s) defined in A/R Bank Entry (ibis_ar02).
- The statistic reported is taken from the last run of SA30. There is no 'current/next' month implication; the value reported is 'up to the minute'.
- SA30 reads the A/R bank record for the accounts receivable control account and then goes to the general ledger and calculates the accounts receivable balance. This happens for all banks defined in AR02. The balance is calculated as 'opening balance' plus all transaction details that have a source code of IN (sales invoices) and AR (cash receipts). If there are postings from any other sources, like journal entries (JN), accrual setups (JA) or accrual reversals (JX), they will be skipped. Note: the GL total reported by A/R Diagnostics (ibis_ar70) works the same way.
- If you invoice customers in a foreign currency, then invoices to those customers will debit the accounts receivable control account specified in their bank record (AR02) in foreign dollars.
The value reported is one grand total of all accounts receivable control accounts, which could be a mix of currencies.
A/P Balance - the current balance from the accounts payable general ledger account(s) defined in A/P Banks (ibis_ap01).
- The statistic reported is taken from the last run of SA30. There is no 'current/next' month implication; the value reported is 'up to the minute'.
- SA30 reads the A/P bank record for the accounts payable control account and then goes to the general ledger and calculates the accounts payable balance. This happens for all banks defined in AP01. The balance is calculated as 'opening balance' plus all transaction details that have a source code of AP (AP invoices), CC (computer checks) and MC (manual checks). If there are postings from any other sources, like journal entries (JN), accrual setups (JA) or accrual reversals (JX), they will be skipped.
- AP70 does include all transaction sources; if there are journal entries to the accounts payable control account, then the value reported will not balance to the value reported by AP70-GL.
- Since it is expected that the accounts payable control accounts are kept in domestic dollars, the value reported should not be a mix of currencies.
Cash Received Value - the sum of all debit postings to the bank control account(s) defined in AR02.
- The statistic is for the period that matches the month of the system run date. For example, if the system date is August 15 and that date is in period 8, then the statistics are for period 08. There is no 'current/next' month implication.
- SA30 reads the A/R bank record for the bank control account and then goes to the general ledger and accumulates the total of all debit amount transactions in the GL collector file for the period being reported.
- This value is not strictly the sum of all transactions with a source code of AR (i.e. from the cash receipts journal). Debit amount journal entries to the bank G/L account or cancelled A/P checks are also included.
- The value reported is one grand total for all bank control accounts, which could be a mix of currencies.
Cash Disbursements - the sum of all credit postings to the bank control account(s) defined in AP01.
- The statistic is for the period that matches the month of the system run date. For example, if the system date is August 15 and that date is in period 8, then the statistics are for period 08. There is no 'current/next' month implication.
- SA30 reads the A/P bank record for the bank control account and then goes to the general ledger and accumulates the total of all credit amount transactions for the period (current or next) in the GL collector file.
- This value is not strictly the sum of all transactions with a source code of CC or MC (i.e. from computer or manual check registers). Credit amount journal entries or NSF checks posted in AR30 are also included.
- The value reported is one grand total for all bank control accounts, which could be a mix of currencies.
Number of Floor Charges - the number of floor charges entered in IN41. Note: This line only prints when floor charges are entered in IN41.
Value of Floor Charges - the dollar value of all floor charges issued in IN41. Note:
This line only prints when floor charges are entered in IN41.
Gross Profit Floor Charges - the gross profit for floor charges calculated based on the gross profits entered. Note: This line only prints when floor charges are entered in IN41.
41 - Net Sales Value - is calculated as the total of the 'invoiced sales' (line 20) and the 'Value of floor charges' (line 39).
FYI: Sales statistics are updated by IN43, which is usually run at the end of each day. Order booking statistics and Company statistics are updated by SA30, which can be run on demand at any time during the day.