Maintain Salesrep Quotas (SA10)
Maintain Salesreps Quotas (SA10)
The Fiscal Year will default to the current Fiscal Year. You can enter a Quota amount up to 999,999,999.99 in each Quotas field. You can also enter negative values in these fields.
The Booked This Yr column accumulates the extended dollar value for products on Orders entered in Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30) and Direct Bills entered in Enter Inv/Direct Bills/Credits in (IN41). This field is updated when Generate Exec Summary Stats (SA30) is executed.
The Booked Last Yr column is last year's bookings by month.
The Sales This Yr column accumulates the dollar value for products entered as Direct Bills and Credits in Enter Inv/Direct Bills/Credits in (IN41). This column is updated when Schedule Invoices/Credits (IN43) is executed.
The Sales Last Yr is last year's sales by month.
When the All button has focus the accumulated Quotas, Bookings (this year and last) and Sales (this year and last) will be displayed for the selected Fiscal Year for all salesreps.
A Salesrep's Bookings and Sales will not be displayed unless the Salesrep is added to this file. If a Salesrep is deleted all the information will remain in this file until it is purged by executing the Historical Data Purge (CC98)
Maintain Salesrep Quotas (SA10)