Vendor Recode Merge Execution (RM75)
The Vendor Recode/Merge Execution (RM75) program recodes/merges Vendors previously entered in Vendors for Recode/Merge Entry (RM74) into a single Master File and a single set of Accounts Payable records. Once started, this program must run to completion.
Caution: This program should be run ALONE. Files throughout the system are affected.
Using RM75:
- The Start option allows you to start the Vendor recode/merge update. The update should run when no other processes are running. The recoding and merging of Vendor information affects the Accounts Payable and Purchasing modules in Enterprise.
Note: Running RM75 while other functions in the same module(s) are running may cause unpredictable damage to data. This damage might not be recoverable.
- To close RM75 when the process is complete, press Escape or click on the 'X' in the top right corner of the window.
Vendor Recode/Merge Execution (RM75)