Audible Warning
Packing Station has an Audible Warning option available. The Audible Warning feature is selected in Maintain Packing Station Tables (PS09/Packer Identification) and works with the Carton Details folder. As the Packer scans items during the Packing session and encounters error or warning messages, a warning "sound" accompanies the message. The Packer can be away from the monitor, and still know that a problem has occurred.
The Audible Warning is played each time a bar code is scanned and the action produces an error or warning message at the work station. The Packer must manually clear the message from the screen; the message cannot be scanned away.
Only warnings and error messages related to the packing process will produce an Audible Warning. Here's an example when an Audible Warning will not be heard:
- The Packer tries to change the Carton Control and requires a Supervisor Override. The Supervisor enters an incorrect password. An error message displays on the screen, but the Audible Warning is not heard.