Field Descriptions for General (PS30)

This list describes the fields on the General folder:

  • Packing No. - a unique system generated number assigned to a Packing Session. The Packing Number is assigned when the first Sales Order is scanned/entered.

  • Packer ID - this field is for display purposes only: the Packer ID currently logged into Packing Station.

  • Operator ID - this field is for display purposes only: the Operator ID currently logged into Enterprise.

  • The list box displays the Packing Criteria set by the first Sales Order entered into the Packing Session. The list box contains the following information:
    • Packing Criteria
    • Value
    • Description

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on the General folder:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Trash Can Trash Can Deletes the current Packing Number and all associated Sales Orders, Carton IDs and Items packed.
Pack Slip Print Pack Slip Prints the Packing Slip for the current Packing Number. The printer is associated with the Operator ID logged onto Enterprise. If this button is unavailable or 'grey', then the Operator ID has not been granted access to print this form/label Maintain Operator Controls (PS11). Please see your System Administrator to modify PS11.
Carton Content Print Carton Contents Prints the Carton Content forms for the entire Packing Number. The printer is associated with the Operator ID logged onto Enterprise. If this button is unavailable or 'grey', then the Operator ID has not been granted access to print this form/label PS11. Please see your System Administrator to modify PS11.
Carton ID Print Carton ID Prints barcode labels for every Carton ID in the entire Packing Number. The printer is associated with the Operator ID logged onto Enterprise. If this button is unavailable or 'grey', then the Operator ID has not been granted access to print this form/label in PS11. Please see your System Administrator to modify PS11.
