Deleting a Packing Number
Deleting an Open Packing Number:
- Enter or select from the Query list the Packing Number to be deleted in the Packing Number field or scan the Packing Number into the Item Entry field on the Carton Details folder.
- Click on Delete
in the Header section.
- The following message displays: "Delete Header and all its details? Yes/No". Select Yes to delete the Packing Number and all associated Sales Orders and Carton IDs.
- All of the fields on the Carton Details folder automatically clear and the cursor is in the Item Entry field. You can begin a new Packing Session.
Deleting a Closed Packing Number:
- Enter or select from the Query list the Packing Number to be deleted in the Packing Number field or scan the Packing Number into the Item Entry field on the Carton Details folder.
- The following message displays: "Do you wish to open Packing Number XX for further manipulation? Yes/No". Select Yes.
- The Carton Details folder remains open with the Packing Number open.
- Click on Delete
in the Header section.
- The following message displays: "Delete Header and all its details? Yes/No". Select Yes to delete the Packing Number and all associated Sales Orders and Carton IDs.
- All of the fields on the Carton Details folder automatically clear and the cursor is in the Item Entry field. You can begin a new Packing Session.
Deleting a Closed Packing Number with an OPEN Shipment Number assigned to it:
A Shipment Number is assigned to a Packing Session when the Packer clicks on Update, Hold or Close from the Quick Ship folder. When the Shipment is Updated or put on Hold, it is still considered "open" and not ready for shipping. Recalling a Packing Number with an Open Shipment Number requires that the Shipment Number be deleted before the Packing Number can be deleted.
- Enter or select from the Query list the Packing Number to be deleted in the Packing Number field or scan the Packing Number into the Item Entry field on the Carton Details folder.
- Provided your Packer ID is set up to access to the Quick Ship folder in Maintain Packing Station Tables (PS09/Packer Identification), the Quick Ship folder automatically opens with the Packing Number/Shipment Number open for review.
- Click on Delete
to delete the shipment. The following message displays: "Shipment XX will be deleted. YES to proceed with delete of this shipment or NO to skip delete of shipment." Select Yes.
- The following message displays: "Do you wish to open Packing Number XX for further manipulation? Yes/No". Select either option:
- If you select Yes, the Carton Details folder automatically opens with the Packing Number open.
- If you select No, the Quick Ship folder remains open with the current Packing Number open.
- Click on Delete
in the Header section.
- The following message displays: "Delete Header and all its details? Yes/No". Select Yes to delete the Packing Number and all associated Sales Orders and Carton IDs.
- All of the fields on the Carton Details folder automatically clear and the cursor is in the Item Entry field. You can begin a new Packing Session.
Deleting a Closed Packing Number with a CLOSED Shipment Number assigned to it:
A Shipment Number is assigned to a Packing Session when the Packer clicks on Update, Hold or Close from the Quick Ship folder. When the Shipment is Closed, Invoices are automatically generated for Sales Orders in the Shipment when the following fields are set:
- CC00/Packing Station 'Generate Invoice' field is selected.
- CC96 'Auto Invoice Generate' field is set to Yes.
Deleting a Packing Number with a Closed Shipment Number requires that the Invoices generated for the Sales Order(s) be deleted (if applicable) and that the Shipment Number be recalled (opened) and then deleted before the Packing Number can be deleted.
- Enter or select from the Query list the Packing Number to be deleted in the Packing Number field or scan the Packing Number into the Item Entry field on the Carton Details folder.
- If Generate Invoice is NOT selected in CC00/Packing Station, proceed to step 3.
If Generate Invoice is selected, then Invoices are generated for the current Packing Number and the following message automatically displays: "You cannot call this Pack Number up, it is on a shipment that includes orders that have been invoiced ..." The message box lists the Invoice number(s) and associated Sales Order number(s).
- Delete the Invoice(s) from Enter Inv/Direct Bills/Credits (IN41).
- Once the Invoices are deleted OR if no Invoices were generated for the Packing Number, enter the Packing Number to be deleted in the Packing Number field or scan the Packing Number into the Item Entry field on the Carton Details folder.
- The following message automatically displays: "Shipment number XX is closed. Do you wish to Open this shipment? Yes/No." Select Yes.
- Provided your Packer ID is set up to access to the Quick Ship folder in PS09/Packer Identification, the Quick Ship folder automatically opens with the Packing Number/Shipment Number open for review.
- Click on Delete
to delete the shipment. The following message displays: "Shipment XX will be deleted. YES to proceed with delete of this shipment or NO to skip delete of shipment." Select Yes.
Caution: Deleting a Shipment Number removes all details from the Shipment. All shipment information must be re-entered when the shipment is recreated.
- The following message displays: "Do you wish to open Packing Number XX for further manipulation? Yes/No". Select either option:
- If you select Yes, the Carton Details folder automatically opens with the Packing Number open.
- If you select No, the Quick Ship folder remains open with the current Packing Number open.
- Click on Delete
in the Header section.
- The following message displays: "Delete Header and all its details? Yes/No". Select Yes to delete the Packing Number and all associated Sales Orders and Carton IDs.
- All of the fields on the Carton Details folder automatically clear and the cursor is in the Item Entry field. You can begin a new Packing Session.