Sales Order/Purchase Order Link

  1. The Sales Order/Purchase Order Link screen opens.

  2. Enter or select from the query the Sales Order number to which this PO is to be linked in the SO No. field. The Sales Order must be from the same Warehouse as the current PO.

  3. Click on the Link to PO button (this text becomes a button when you move your mouse over it).

  4. If the Sales Order is already linked to a PO, the following message displays: "Sales Order already linked to the following purchase order(s): ######. Do you wish to link Purchase Order (current PO number) to Sales Order xxxxxx? Customer: xxxxxx Ship To: xxxxx YES/NO".

    • Clicking No closes the message window and the Sales Order is not linked to the PO.

    • Clicking Yes links the Sales Order to the current PO (along with any other POs) and a message displays confirming that the Sales Order/Purchase Order link has been successfully created.

  5. If the Sales Order is already linked to the current PO, the following message displays: "Sales Order xxxxxx is already linked to Purchase Order ######. Do you wish to remove the link? YES/NO".

    • Clicking No closes the message window and the Sales Order remains linked to the PO.

    • Clicking Yes removes the link between the Sales Order and the PO, and a message displays confirming that the Sales Order/Purchase Order link has been successfully removed.

  6. When you return to the Header Info folder, the Customer Name, Customer Code and Sales Order Number display beside the Ship To address on the right hand side of the screen. These fields print on the Purchase Order when the PO is faxed, e-mailed or printed.