Detail Info (PO40)

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Product Hold Flags (IM98)
Work Order Control Overview
Working with Purchasing Promotions

The Detail Info folder in Create Purchase Orders (PO40) allows you to enter the product information for the Purchase Order number entered in the header section.

The following list defines every field on the Detail Info folder of PO40:

  • Product - enter or select from the query a Product code to be added to the PO.

    • The first product entered on the Detail Info folder determines the currency of the PO. If you enter a product that is based on a different currency, the following message displays: "This PO is in US$ currency. You cannot enter this product. OK".

    • You can enter all product types except model (MO) and family (FM).

    • If the Product is set up as a Common Product in Maintain Inventory Master (IM13/Stock), the prefix of the Product code remains in the Product field, allowing you to enter only the color code for the next Product. If the next Product is not a Common Product, simply enter the next Product code.

    • If the Product is a Work Order Product in IM13/Stock, the work order confirmation screen automatically opens allowing you to confirm the component details of the WO product.

    • If the Product is flagged "Hold for Product Approval", "Hold for Packaging Approval" or "Flagged for Deletion" in IM13, a warning message displays and you cannot add the Product to the PO.

    • If the Product is a valid Product but is not set up in Maintain Purchasing Info (PO13) for the Supplier entered on the Header Info folder, the following message displays: "The Supplier Product Record is not on file. Do you want to create it? YES/NO". The Product cannot be added to the PO until the Supplier Product record is created.

      • Selecting No closes the message and returns you to PO40 where you can select another Product.
      • Selecting Yes opens PO13. You can create a Supplier Product record.

    • If the product is marked for deletion in IM13, the following message displays: "This Product is flagged for Deletion. You cannot order it. OK".

    • If the Product is marked for deletion for the Supplier in PO13, the following message displays: "Supplier Product is marked for Deletion, Do you wish to continue? YES/NO".

      • Selecting No closes the message and returns you to PO40 where you can select another Product.
      • Selecting Yes adds the Product to the PO.

    • If you enter a 'special product' then the special product creation routine is invoked which, in turn, opens Quick Product Creation (IM99). For more information on Special Products, click here.

    As soon as a valid Product Code is entered for this Supplier, the following fields automatically display information related to the Product (as applicable):

    • Product, Product Code and Description from Maintain Inventory Master (IM13).

    • Supplier Product code from Maintain Purchasing Info (PO13).

    • On Hand quantity from Display Product Availability (IC45). To view the Product in IC45, select Go To from the top menu and click on Stock from the dropdown list. The IC45 screen automatically opens with the current Product information displayed. You can use this short cut to IC45 to check the stock in another Warehouse or to check for additional POs containing this Product.

    • Available quantity is taken from IC45 when Order Management is NOT turned on. The calculation used to determine the Available quantity is On Hand - B/O - On Res - WO Res. If Order Management is turned on, the Available quantity will not match the quantity displayed in IC45.

    • Item Status from IM13.

    • Master Carton value from PO13.

    • Quantity Break points and associated Purchase Prices or Discount Percentages.

    • Promotional Price or Discount and the Effective Dates from PO13.

    • Hold field becomes available only for Lot or Serial controlled Products. You can apply a Hold to the Product by clicking on the query and selecting a Hold option from the list. The Hold options are maintained in Product Hold Flags (IM98). This is not a mandatory field.

    • Stock Flag from IM13.

    • Minimum Order Quantity from PO13.

    • Conversion of Purchasing Unit of Measure (PUM) to Stock Keeping Units (SKU) from PO13.

  • Order Qty - enter the order quantity in this field. The value entered is automatically checked to ensure that it is a multiple of the Master Carton quantity and greater than the Minimum Order Quantity as set in PO13.

    • If the Quantity entered is not a multiple of the Master Carton, the following message displays with the correct quantities: "Quantity entered (xx) is not a multiple of the Master Carton as maintained in PO13. Valid quantities are ## and ##. Continue with this Quantity? Yes/No". If you select Yes, the original quantity entered remains in the Order Qty field. If you select No, you are automatically returned to the Order Qty field and can enter a new quantity.

    • If the quantity entered is less than the Minimum Order Quantity, the following message displays with the correct quantities: "Quantity entered (xx) is less than the minimum order quantity (##) as maintained in PO13. Continue with this quantity? Yes/No". If you select Yes, the original quantity entered remains in the Order Qty field. If you select No , you are automatically returned to the Order Qty field and can enter a new quantity.

      Note: If the PO Type from the Header Info folder is "Sample", then any order quantity can be entered.

The following fields automatically display information relevant to the current product. The information in these fields can be updated or can be left at the default values:

  • Purchase Price - displays the correct Purchase Price from PO13 depending on the quantity ordered. If you are modifying an existing line, the previously updated price displays in this field.

    • Note: Changing this price affects only this line and does not update PO13 unless the Update Master option is selected. For more details on using the Master Update, click here.

  • Per - displays the price Per unit of measure. The Per field for a new Purchase Order line will default to the Price Per U/M assigned in PO13/Pricing Info. If you are modifying an existing line the previously updated Per is displayed in the field.

    • Note: Changing the Per value affects only this line and does not update PO13 unless the Update Master option is selected. For more details on using the Master Update, click here.

  • Discount - is used to discount the current line only. If a discount is assigned to the product in PO13, then that discount automatically displays in this field. The discount can be a positive or a negative value. The value entered decreases or increases the purchase price by the percentage amount entered. A positive amount in the discount field will reduce the price by the percentage discount amount entered, while a negative amount will increase the value of the product for this supplier.

    For example, a 3% discount on a Purchase Price of $100.00 will result in a line total of $97.00.

    The Discount Default value is expressed as a percentage, and can be a maximum of 11 characters. You can enter the value in one of the following ways:

    • Straight Discount: 33
    • Fractional Discount: 33.333
    • Chain Discount: 30/10/5

    • Note: Changing the Discount field affects only this line and does not update PO13 unless the Update Master option is selected. For details on using the Master Update, click here.

  • Requested Ship - displays the system date plus the number of days in the Production Lead Time Days Override field in PO13.

    • If the Production Lead Time Days field in PO13 is left blank, then the value from the Production Lead Time Days in PO11 for the Supplier is used.

    • You can manually enter a new date in this field for this Product as required. Note: If the product is guaranteed via Order Management, the following message displays: "The following guaranteed allocation exists for Purchase Order XXXXXX Line XXX Product XXXXXX. Do you wish to cancel the guarantees? Sales Order and line on SO display. Yes/No". Whether or not you cancel the guarantee, the manually entered requested ship date displays.

  • Confirmed Ship - defaults to the Supplier's Confirmed Ship date entered on the Header Info folder or remains blank.

    • You can manually enter the Confirmed Ship date for this Product; when you enter a date in this field, the Expected Arrival date for this Product is automatically recalculated.

    • Note: If the product is guaranteed via Order Management and you manually enter a new date in this field, the following message displays: "The following guaranteed allocation exists for Purchase Order XXXXXX Line XXX Product XXXXXX. Do you wish to cancel the guarantees? Sales Order and line on SO display. Yes/No". Whether or not you cancel the guarantee, the manually entered confirmed ship date displays.

  • Expected Arrival - displays the Requested Ship date plus the number of days in the Transit Lead Time Days Override field from PO13, if the Confirmed Ship date is blank.

    • If the value in the Transit Lead Time Days Override field in PO13 is blank, then the value from the Transit Lead Time Days in PO11 for the Supplier is used.

    • If the Confirmed Ship date is not blank, then the Expected Arrival date is the Confirmed Ship date plus the Transit Lead Time Days Override specified in PO13.

    • If the value of this field in PO13 is blank, then the Transit Lead Time Days in PO11 is used.

    • You can manually enter a new date in this field for this product ONLY or you can leave the date set to the Expected Arrival date for the PO. Note: If the product is guaranteed via Order Management and you manually enter a new date in this field, the following message displays: "The following guaranteed allocation exists for Purchase Order XXXXXX Line XXX Product XXXXXX. Do you wish to cancel the guarantees? Sales Order and line on SO display. Yes/No". Whether or not you cancel the guarantee, the manually entered expected arrival date displays.

Order Management Note: If you delete a detail line from a PO, and the PO is guaranteed to a Sales Order line in OM30, a warning message displays. This is only a warning and the line is still deleted from the PO.

  • You must manually remove the guarantee from the product in OM30.

  • The warning message does not display if the PO Header is deleted.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on the Detail Info folder:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Update Update Saves the current product line on the PO.
Delete Delete Deletes the current product line from the PO. Note: You cannot delete a PO line that is in-transit.
Find a Product Find Opens the Purchasing Info Lookup screen. You can search and select products from this lookup. If the product is associated with the supplier then the product displays in the Product field when selected.
There are multiple sort options available.
Add/Edit Comments Comment Opens the Comment Line screen that enables you to add, modify or delete a Comment that prints on the PO. The Product detail line must be updated before you enter a Comment. The Comment can be a maximum of 60 alpha numeric characters in length.
Move Lines Move Lines Opens the Move Lines screen that enables you to move one or multiple lines in the detail list box. You can only move lines on a PO that has not been printed in PO42 (tip: recall the PO first). This option is not available when the PO is a dedicated PO (OE30) and when the PO has lines that are received or flagged as in transit.
Sort Lines Sort Sorts the detail lines by Product Code. You can only sort lines on a PO that has not been printed in PO42 (tip: recall the PO first). This option is not available when the PO is a dedicated PO (OE30) and when the PO has lines that are received or flagged as in transit. Click here for additional details on the Sorting Option.
Product Notes Product Notes Opens the Maintain Product Notes screen that enables you to add or modify a note for the current Product. Once notes are entered, the icon changes to indicate that there are existing notes Notes.
Supplier Product Notes Supplier Notes Opens the Maintain Supplier Product Notes screen that enables you to add or modify a note for the current Supplier and Product. Once notes are entered, the icon changes to indicate that there are existing notes Notes.

Detail Info
Folder 2 - Detail Info