Creating/Modifying/Deleting UCC-12 UPC
Creating a UCC-12 UPC in PO13:
- In the Header section of PO13:
- Enter or select from the query a Supplier in the Supplier field.
- Enter or select from the query a Product in the Product field.
- Go to the Pack Information folder.
- In the GTIN Type field, select UCC-12 UPC from the drop down list.
- You have four options to input the UCC-12 UPC code into the GTIN field:
Note: The GTIN field is password protected. You must enter the password defined in Maintain Override Passwords (CC04) for PO13.
- Scan the UCC-12 code.
- Enter the UCC-12 code.
- Enter the first 11 digits and the system will automatically generate the check digit.
- Click on Gen to have a 14-digit UCC-12 code automatically entered.
- The Generate option is also password protected. The Password window opens. Enter the password defined in CC04 for PO13 and press Enter. A 14-digit UCC-12 code automatically displays in the GTIN field.
Once you Tab out of the GTIN field, the 12-digit number is automatically converted to a 14-digit code (right justified; zero filled).
- If the GTIN number is already associated with another Supplier/Product record or with another Product in Maintain Inventory Master (IM13), the following message displays: "This GTIN number is already assigned to another product/supplier code. Do you wish to assign it to this product/supplier as well? Yes/No".
- Select 'Yes' to add this GTIN number to the current Supplier/Product record. The Password window opens. Enter the password defined in CC04 for PO13 and press Enter. The 14-digit UCC-12 code automatically displays in the GTIN field.
- Select 'No' to close the message window and add a new UCC-12 UPC code. The Password window opens. Enter the password defined in CC04 for PO13 and press Enter. The GTIN field is cleared.
- If you want to change the Measuring Units, select the appropriate option from the drop down list. Valid options are:
- The GTIN Description field an optional field. Enter a description of the package, packaging level or Item as required. You can enter a maximum of 30 alpha-numeric characters in this field.
- The Transfer to Third Party check box is automatically selected. The information for this GTIN will be transferred to a Third Party, such as Radio Beacon. You can de-select this option as required.
- If 'Default Costing' has not been assigned to any other GTINs for this Supplier/Product record, then the Default Costing field is available. If 'Default Costing' has been assigned to a GTIN, then this field is unavailable or greyed out.
- Enter a code in the Supplier Product Code for this GTIN. This is an optional field. When the GTIN is set up as the 'Default Costing' GTIN, the Supplier Product Code entered also displays in the 'Supplier Product Code' field on PO13/Purchasing.
Note: If a Supplier Product Code is entered in PO13/Purchasing, the Supplier Product Code entered for the Default Costing record will override
- On the Detail line in the 'Measurement Grid':
- Enter the Inner Qty or the smallest quantity you ship to your customers for this packing level. A minimum of 1 must be entered in this field.
Once the Inner Quantity is entered, the SKU Qty field automatically updates to a value equal to the Inner Qty.
- Enter the Weight associated with the Supplier/Product record for this packaging level.
- Enter the Width associated with the the Supplier/Product record for this packaging level.
- Enter the Length associated with the Supplier/Product record for this packaging level.
- Enter the Height associated with the Supplier/Product record for this packaging level.
- The Volume associated with the Supplier/Product record for this packaging level can be automatically calculated based on the Length, Width and Height entered or the Volume can be manually entered. If the Length, Width and Height fields on the Detail, Initial Estimate or Revised Estimate lines are all populated, the Volume field for all lines will not be available for manual input. The Volume can be manually entered only if one of the Length, Width or Height fields is set to zero on all three lines (it does not have to be the same field on all three lines).
Note: All measurements in the Grid are displayed in the Measuring Units identified in the Measuring Units field on this folder.
- On the Initial Est. line in the 'Measurement Grid', enter the information Estimated by the Supplier for the current GTIN.
- When all of the Initial Estimate information is entered and this record is flagged as the Default Costing record, the Est. Unit Cost field automatically displays. If there are no Cost Factors set up for this Supplier/Product record in PO13/Cost Factors, the Est. Unit Cost is equal to the Landed Cost.
- When all of the Initial Estimate information is entered and this record is flagged as the Default Costing record, the %Change automatically displays the percentage change between the Initial Estimate Unit Cost and the Landed Cost. The Replacement Cost is calculated as the Landed Cost for the Primary Supplier.
- On the Revised Est. line in the 'Measurement Grid', enter the Revised Estimates provided by the Supplier for the current GTIN.
- When all of the Initial Estimate information is entered and this record is flagged as the Default Costing record, the Est. Unit Cost field automatically displays. If there are no Cost Factors set up for this Supplier/Product record in PO13/Cost Factors, the Est. Unit Cost is equal to the Landed Cost.
- When all of the Initial Estimate information is entered and this record is flagged as the Default Costing record, the %Change automatically displays the percentage change between the Revised Estimate Unit Cost and the Landed Cost. The Replacement Cost is calculated as the Landed Cost for the Primary Supplier.
- The Default SKU line displays the information from the GTIN record flagged 'SKU Default' for this Product in IM13/Pack Info.
The Container Information is optional. Complete the following fields as required:
- Enter the number Cases/Tier for this packaging level. You can enter a maximum of 9999.
- Enter the number of Tiers/Pallet for this packaging level. You can enter a maximum of 9999.
- Enter the number of Pallets/Truckload for this packaging level. You can enter a maximum of 9999.
- Enter the number of Units/Container of this packaging level. You can enter a maximum of 999,999.
- The Container Volume is automatically calculated based on the Volume from the Detail line (in the Measurements Grid) and the Units/Container quantity. If the Volume on the Detail line is zero, the Container Volume is calculated from the Revised Volume, if available.
- When all of the information is entered, click Update (on the folder) to add the information for the GTIN to the Supplier/Product record.
- The GTIN List box at the bottom of the screen displays a summary of the GTINs entered for the Supplier Product record.
Modifying a UCC-12 UPC in PO13:
- In the Header section of PO13:
- Enter or select from the query a Supplier in the Supplier field.
- Enter or select from the query a Product in the Product field.
- On the Pack Information folder, click on the appropriate GTIN line in the GTIN list box at the bottom of the screen. The information automatically displays in the fields and the Grid.
- Make changes as required and click Update (on the folder) to update the GTIN record.
- If the UCC-12 UPC selected for modification is the Source of an EAN/UCC-14, the following message displays: "GTIN Code associated with an EAN/UCC-14 record(s). The EAN/UCC-14 code(s) must be deleted before the Inner Qty can be accessed. Supplier (the Supplier Code displays) GTIN the GTIN record displays). OK".
- Click OK to close the window. You can make any changes to all fields for the UCC-12 UPC code with the exception of the Inner Qty field in the Grid for the Detail line, Initial Estimate Line and Revised Estimate line. When the changes are complete, click Update.
- If you want to update the Inner Qty in the Grid, you must first delete the EAN/UCC-14 record(s) that contains the UCC-12 UPC as its Source. Once this is done, you can recall the UCC-12 UPC record and make modifications to the Inner Qty information in the Grid.
Deleting a UCC-12 UPC in PO13:
- In the Header section of PO13:
- Enter or select from the query a Supplier in the Supplier field.
- Enter or select from the query a Product in the Product field.
- On the Pack Information folder, click on the appropriate GTIN line in the GTIN list box at the bottom of the screen. The information automatically displays in the fields and the grid.
- Click Delete (on the folder) to delete the GTIN from the Supplier Product record.
- A Password is required to delete a UCC-12 UPC code. The Password window opens. Enter the password defined in CC04 for PO13 and press Enter
. The UCC-12 UPC code is deleted.
- Note: You cannot delete a UCC-12 UPC if it is the Source code for an EAN/UCC-14. If the UCC-12 UPC is the Source code for an EAN/UCC-14, the following message displays: "GTIN Code Used as an INNER. The code must be disassociated from the MASTER(s) before the code can be deleted. OK." Click OK to close the message window, and then delete the EAN/UCC-14 record(s) that contain the UCC-12 UPC as its Source. Once this is done, you can recall and delete the UCC-12 UPC code.