Print Tag Audit Reports (PI14)
This program is used by the Tag Full and Tag Partial count methods only (see Using Physical Inventory).
This program prints multiple formats. This is an optional program; none of the formats are mandatory. If there are discrepancies between the tag counts and the entered counts, we recommended that you use these listings to assist in analyzing those differences. The following report formats are available:
- 1-Count Area Control Records
This format prints a listing, by count area, of the starting and ending tag number ranges and the count total value (sum of count quantities) for that range of tags. This same information may be viewed via program PI11 Physical Inventory Page Total. You must ensure that you select Sequence: 1-Count Area (Fmt.1) when printing this format.
- 2-Count Area Balancing Report
This format is a listing, by count area, of the tag counts as they were entered in PI12 Physical Count Entry. The total count quantity is accumulated and printed at the end of each count area. It can be used to validate the entered counts against the original input documents, the count tags. You must ensure that you select Sequence: 2-Area/Tag# (Fmt.2) when printing this format.
- 3-Missing Tag Listing
This format prints a listing of missing tags. The program confirms that there is a tag present in the Count Transaction File (as entered in PI12) for every tag specified in the tag ranges that were entered in program PI11. Missing tags (tags that have not yet been entered in PI12) are reported. This exception listing can be used to track down those missing tags. You must ensure that you select Sequence: 3-Whse/Area (Fmt.3) when printing this format.
Notes: If blank tags are printed, or preprinted, purchased tags are being used, it is very important for you to have manually logged the tag ranges into PI11 or else nothing is reported on this exception report. If you print coded, numbered tags (Format 2 in program PI09) the zero-count skeleton records are automatically written into the Count Transaction File for all of the tags printed. In this scenario, tags that are never physically entered in PI12 are not reported because the skeleton record exists-they give the appearance of being counted as zero.
The Sequences are directly linked to the Formats. Format 1 requires Sequence 1, Format 2 requires Sequence 2, and Format 3 requires Sequence 3. If you select any other combination, then an error message appears informing you of the correct sequence to choose for the format you are running.
- 1 Warehouse
This restriction is used to identify the warehouse being processed. This restriction is not mandatory but we recommend that you report each warehouse individually.
- 2 Detail/Summary (FMT3)
This restriction is used to flag printing a detailed or summary listing. If selected, message "Print Summary Only" is displayed. The default response for this restriction is selected (as indicated by the asterisk to the left of the restriction). This means if you clear this restriction you get a summary Missing Tags listing. A summary listing simply reports From/To ranges of tag numbers that are missing. If you turn this restriction OFF, then each tag number that is missing is reported.