Print Inventory Tags (PI09)
This program is used by the Tag Full and Tag Partial count methods only (see Using Physical Inventory).
Tags printed by this program are formatted to print on blank, perforated stock paper with two tags side-by-side. You may choose to print blank numbered tags or numbered tags with the bin location (if applicable) and product code printed on the tag. A third possibility is you may have purchased preprinted numbered tags. Note this program is only run for warehouses flagged as tag method in PI01 Set-up Files for Physical Count. Also Note that this program must be run even if you are using pre-numbered tags obtained from a print shop. See the Format / Print Blank Numbered Tags section below for further instructions on the proper procedure to utilize these pre-printed tags.
- 1 - Print Blank Numbered Tags
This format prints a series of blank tags numbered only with the tag number; no product code or description is printed on the tag. These tags can be used in situations where a product is counted in more than one warehouse location, is found or stored in a different location than expected, or is used where no computer coded tag was printed. For users of pre-printed, pre-numbered blank inventory tags: There are many organizations that purchase pre-printed inventory tags that are pre-numbered with sequential tag numbers. You can use pre-numbered tags to perform your physical count and still utilize WinSol to input the count values from those tags. However, for this to work, you must first make WinSol believe that these tags were generated from the software. You must therefore "go through the motions" of printing the tags to prepare the proper work files that are used later in program PI12 Physical Count Entry to input the count values from each tag. Follow the instructions outlined in PI09 as if you were going to print blank numbered tags, but instead of selecting a printer select to print to SCREEN instead. This way, you simulate the printing of the range of tags without wasting any paper. When the print simulation is complete, WinSol will have prepared the tag files required for reporting missing tags. If you're using blank numbered tags or purchased, pre-numbered tags, the bin location/product code/description must be hand-written onto each tag as well as the count quantity. As well, the count entry operator is required to enter the bin location (if applicable), the product code and the count quantity in PI12. Just prior to printing Format 1 blank numbered tags, the operator is prompted for entry of the following information: Count Area The Count Area defined in PI04. The count area is printed on the tag. With tag based counts, there is typically only a single count area defined. There is no query available for this field.
From Tag This is the first blank tag number you wish to print. All tags are sequentially numbered from this point. This tag number must not already be used and must be greater than the highest tag number already printed. To Tag This is the last blank tag number you wish to have printed. Tags stop printing at this number. This number must not already be used and must be greater than the From tag number.
- 2 - Print Coded Numbered Tags
Prints tags with the bin location (if applicable), product code and description. One tag prints per bin location/product combination. If the product is lot or serial controlled, then a tag prints for each lot/serial number for the product (if quantity on hand is > 0 for that lot/serial number). All tags printed by the system are numbered sequentially from the Starting Tag Number entered by the operator in program PI07 Inventory Sort by Bin Location.
As coded tags are printed, a skeleton record is automatically written into the Count Transaction file. The record contains the tag number, bin location (if applicable), product code & description and lot/serial number (if applicable). This file provides sequential input of counts in tag number sequence and provides a source file upon which missing tags can be identified.
- 1 Warehouse
Selects the warehouse the tags are to print for.
- 2 Tag Date
Prints the date entered on each tag. This is a mandatory restriction.
- 3 Supplier Product Cd
This restriction allows the optional printing of the supplier's product code on the tag for reference purposes only.