Inventory Count Sheet Printing (PI08)
This program is used by the Sheet Full and Sheet Partial count methods only (see Using Physical Inventory).
This program prints count sheets for the products within the range of count area(s) specified to be printed. The sequence within each count area is dictated by the settings selected in the sort program (bin location/product or bin location/supplier's product or just product code or just supplier product code sequence). Note: this program only runs for warehouses flagged as Count Sheet method in PI01 Set-up Files for Physical Count.
Each new Count Area (PI04) starts on a new page to allow easy assignment of the count sheets to the appropriate count team. Three columns are printed per product for three separate counts. This is useful for re-counts.
If the sort includes bin locations, products that do not have a bin location assigned are printed with a space in the bin location column. They are sorted/printed ahead of any products that do have a bin location assigned.
This print program has mandatory restrictions that must be completed before the print job can execute successfully:
- Warehouse
Count sheets are printed by warehouse. This restriction is used to identify the warehouse being processed.
- Create PI12 Skeleton - We strongly recommended that you select this restriction.
Create PI12 Skeleton triggers the generation of default count records with the count quantity = 0 for each product printed on the count sheets. In the PI12 Physical Count Entry program, upon entry of the Count Area and Page Number the products on that count sheet page are displayed. The operator simply recalls the first count record and enters the count quantity; the bin location and product code do not need to be entered. If a product is not counted then that product's count quantity automatically defaults to zero; the operator simply skips to the next record. After a count record has been updated the cursor automatically positions for entry of the count quantity for the next record. The presence of skeleton count records dramatically speeds up the count entry process. With zero-count records generated, the assumption is that if a product is not physically counted in the warehouse then it does not exist and any quantity on hand in the computer should be brought down to zero. If skeleton count records are not generated then the bin location (if applicable), product code and count quantity need to be entered manually for every product, including those that really do have a count of zero. This option allows for both faster and more accurate count entry via PI12. If selected, a confirmation window appears. The user must accept the confirmation prior to generating the skeleton record file for use in PI12.
- Supplier Product Cd
This restriction allows the optional printing of the primary supplier's product code on the count sheet for reference only. This restriction is only applicable if you sorted into product code sequence in PI07 Inventory Sort by Bin Location. If you sorted into supplier product code sequence in PI07, the supplier product code is automatically printed.
Under certain circumstances, the following messages are displayed prior to starting the print job:
- "Count records already exist in Count Transaction file. Clear File?"
The Count Transaction file contains all zero-count skeleton records (optionally generated by this program) or real count records entered by the operator in program PI12 Physical Count Entry. If there are any records in this file then the above message are displayed.
- Click the Yes button to clear all records out of the Count Transaction file and then write new skeleton records for the products printed on the count sheets.
If any real counts have been entered via program PI12, they will be lost. This would be an appropriate response if you already sorted and printed the count sheets but then realized that your sort selection was wrong or a cycle or count area definition was defined incorrectly. If you make your corrections, then resort (you must resort), and then reprint the count sheets then it would be appropriate to clear the file first.
- Click the No button to keep all count records on the file.
If a product is printed on a count sheet and an existing count record already exists in the Count Transaction file, it is overwritten with a new zero-count skeleton record. This response should be used with caution. This is an appropriate response if you missed a section of the warehouse in your original sort/count sheet print. For example, say your original setup covered bins A000 to A999 and you realized that you also meant to include bins X000 to X999. You could create a new count area for that bin range, re-sort (you must re-sort), and then print count sheets for the new count area only (enter that count area as the Starting/Ending range in program PI08). Counts sheets are printed for the new count area only. Skeleton records are added into the Count Transaction file for the new count area only; no records are overwritten.
- "**For Lot and Serial Controlled Products ONLY**
Do you want skeleton record written and product reported on Count Sheet if total Quantity on hand for the product = zero? " This question is applicable to Lot and Serial controlled products only. If total quantity on hand for a product is not zero, then the lots/serial numbers with quantity are listed for counting. However, it the total quantity on hand for the product is zero, then you have the following option:
- Click the Y button to list the product on the count sheet with a dummy lot/serial number = asterisks on the count sheet "just in case" some stock is found. A skeleton record is written.
- Click the N button to skip printing the product entirely and skip writing a skeleton count record. Note that this response does not trigger skipping regular products that have no quantity on hand.