What controls how OM30 allocates products?
There are several components and Enterprise "environmental factors" that control how OM30 allocates stock:
Order Prioritization:
The 4 Order Priority control weighting values as set in CC00/OE->Order Management Parameters. Each order is assigned a priority value based on these 5 criteria. Note: a zero value in any of these 5 Priority fields disables the control during allocation.
Customer Master "override" controls for Allow Credit and Delinquency checks.
When the Order's Priority flag is turned on. Note: Access to this flag is controlled in the Maintain Operator Password/Privilege (CC03) program.
The accuracy of the Order's Earliest, Required and Cancel Dates as entered on OE30's General folder. These dates are matched to the PO and IN-Transit Receipt dates. Also these Order dates are adjusted by the Warehouse Pick & Pack days and Cancellation. The Cancellation Date is like a buffer for the cancel dates to determine if it's a last shipment or not for order prioritizing (if today + days to pick + days to ship + days to ship + cancel alert days is past the cancel date, then it's a Last Shipment). Alert days from CC96 as well as the Zone days entered in SU09.
The accuracy of the Purchase Order and/or In-Transit Receipt Dates. These dates are matched to the Order's adjusted Required Dates during allocation.
Why won't an Order print?
There are a number of reasons why an order did not print even if stock has been allocated to the product.
The Order is on manual hold.
The Order is on a ship complete hold.
The Order is on a below minimum hold.
The Order is on a delinquency hold.
The Order is on a credit limit hold.
The Order is below the Threshold as entered in CC00/OE->OM Parameters for either the Earliest, Required or Cancelled dated in CC00/OE->OM Parameters.
The Order is waiting for more stock from a Purchase Order that may be received in the number of days as set in CC96.
The Order is future dated.
The Order is too late to ship as defined by the Pick & Pack days and Cancellation days in CC96 as well as the Zone days for the Customer as defined in SU09/Zones/Whs.
The Order is too early to ship as defined by the Pick & Pack days in CC96 and the Zone days in SU09/Whse.
The Order is locked by another process.
The Order did not meet the Threshold percentage entered in folder 2 of OM33.
There is no more stock.
The Order has been allocated/guaranteed to a Purchase Oder.
The Order was recalled prior to OM33 being executed.
Why did an Order print when I did not expect it to?
There is a flag in CC00/Order Entry->OM Parameters on the General Settings folder that controls when an Order will print. This flag is labeled 'Defer Release to Last Ship Date?'. Depending on how this flag is set, your Orders may or may not print.
When the 'Defer Release to Last Ship Date?' check box is selected, Sales Orders that have reached the 'Date Required' or 'Earliest Receipt Date' (set in OE30) with no incoming stock, and are below the threshold 'Percent of Dollars Fillable at Earliest Ship Date' or 'Percent of Dollars Fillable at Required Ship Date' (set in CC00/Order Entry->OM Parameters/Threshold Percent Table) will not print when OM33 runs.
Once the Last Shipment date is reached and the 'Percent of Dollars Fillable at Last Shipment' threshold is met, the Sales Orders will print when OM33 runs.
When the 'Defer Release to Last Ship Date' is not selected, Sales Orders that have reached the 'Date Required' or 'Earliest Receipt Date' (set in OE30) with no incoming stock, and are below the threshold 'Percent of Dollars Fillable at Required Ship Date' will print when OM33 runs.
How do I guarantee units to a product?
To guarantee stock to a product, simply select the Order line by double clicking the line. The Sales Order and line number display at the bottom left of OM30. Select the source you want to guarantee the stock to from the 'Guarantee from' drop box and then enter the quantity in the Guaranteed Qty field.
How do I remove a guarantee from a product?
Select the Order line you want to remove the guarantee from by double clicking the line. At the bottom left of OM30, you will see the Sales Order, line number and quantity guaranteed. Click Delete and the guarantee is removed.
Can I guarantee against an Order line that is displayed as Over Sold?
You can guarantee stock to any order line whether it is Time, Late or Over Sold, however, you must keep in mind that once you have guaranteed units to an Order line, those units will not be available for allocation to subsequent order lines.
Can I guarantee units to an order line from more than one source?
You can guarantee an order line to Stock as well as PO, In-Transits and/or Warehouse transfers.
For example: if you have an order line that is displayed as over sold and you want to guarantee a portion of the line to Stock and a portion to a Purchase Order and leave a portion on back order, follow these steps:
From the Guarantee From drop box, select the Stock source and then double click the order line.
Refresh the screen by clicking Re-allocate Current Product.
From the Guarantee From drop box, select the Purchase Order source and then double click the same order line from step 1.
Refresh the screen by clicking the Re-allocate Current Product.
OM30 will now display 3 lines for the same order line. One line for the guarantee from stock, a second line for the guarantee from Purchase Order and finally a line displaying the back order.
If I guarantee an order line and then an Order with the same product and a higher priority is entered, will the stock be stolen from product that was the guaranteed?
No, once a product has been guaranteed that product owns the guaranteed stock whether it is from stock or another source.
What happens if a product on an Order is guaranteed and then the ordered quantity is increased for the product?
You cannot increase a quantity on an order and still leave the guarantee. You have to select Yes to the prompt when you open an order in OE30 in order to increase the quantity and that will remove the allocations and guarantees.
What happens if a product on an Order is guaranteed and then the ordered quantity is decreased?
The guarantee is not automatically altered and the stock remains held by the product until OM33 is executed. Once OM33 is run the guarantee is removed.
What happens if a product on an Order is guaranteed and then the line is deleted?
When the Allocation in OM30 runs again, the line is removed.
If an order line has guaranteed stock and the Order is printed and then recalled, will the stock still be guaranteed.
No, once the Sales Order is printed the guarantee is removed. You have to guarantee the stock to the product again in OM30.
What happens if an order line is guaranteed to stock and then the stock is decreased (through IC50) to the point that there is not enough stock to fill the order?
The guarantee is not removed.
What happens if I have an order line guaranteed to a PO and then the line is deleted from the PO?
A warning is issued that the order line was guaranteed to the PO. The guarantee is removed. If there is stock available, the order line is automatically guaranteed from stock.
What happens if I have an order line guaranteed to a PO, and the order quantity on the PO is reduced to a lower quantity than what was guaranteed?
The guarantee will remain with the product line but is reduced to a quantity equal to the order quantity on the PO. The balance of the order line is automatically guaranteed to stock, if available.
What happens if an order line is guaranteed to an In-transit and the in-transit is recalled?
When an In-transit is recalled in PO60, a message displays warning you that the guarantee will be removed from the order line. You need to guarantee the order line manually.
Why does it look like I have enough stock on hand but the Orders are either allocated to POs or they are back ordered?
If you are unsure why there seems to enough stock to allocate to product you should use IC45/C5 to verify what is actually available from stock for allocation as of the last time the allocation ran.
What is the difference between running a Warehouse allocation and a Product allocation?
Basically, the difference between a Warehouse allocation and a Product allocation is when you allocate a single product (Product allocation), OM33 does not print any Orders. The only time you would allocate a single product is when you want to see how the allocation will affect the distribution of the product to stock, POs, In-transits and Transfers. You may also want to guarantee product to specific Orders.
How do I know when the last time the allocation ran for the current warehouse?
A time/date stamp displays the last time that the allocation was run for the warehouse on the IC45/C5 folder as well as on the OM33/folder 1. You can also see who ran the allocation at that time.
What is an “On Time” PO?
An “On Time” PO uses the following rule:
If the Purchase Order Receipt date is prior to the Sales Order’s adjusted Required date (Earliest date) and the adjusted Required date is greater than today’s date, then the PO is considered On Time.
What happens to Orders that are being paid by an EFT method but there are holds on the Order?
All holds must be removed before the Order is eligible to print or for Pre-authorization to occur. Once the holds are removed and the allocation runs again, the Order is moved to the 'Orders Waiting on Pre-authorization' section in OM33/folder 1 if the Order was not Pre-authorized in OE30 or to the 'Orders Ready to print' section of OM33/folder 1 if the Order was Pre-authorized in OE30.
How do I know if a product is part of an Assembled set or not?
The OM30 and IC45/C5 screens display a column titled “Comp Alloc” which is stands for Component Allocation. If the product displayed is on an Order as a component of an Assembled set, a quantity will be found under this heading.
Why doesn’t the Model header get allocated?
Model headers are never stocked so they are not allocated
Why are the 'SO Required' date and 'SO Last Ship' date not the same as what was entered on the Order?
The 'SO Required' date and the 'SO Last Ship' date have the days to pick and pack from CC96 and the Zone days (as set up for the customer) from SU09/Zone/Whs subtracted from the Earliest date and Cancellation date entered in OE30.
Can I Guarantee an entire order?
Unfortunately, you may only guarantee specific products on an Order. If you want to guarantee the entire Order, you must guarantee each product in OM30. However, you may still dedicate a Purchase Order to an Order through OE30. The Purchase Order and Order will not be included in the allocation in OM30.
Note: It does not matter whether you generate the PO for just the Back ordered lines or for the entire Order, it still will not be considered in the Allocation.
Can I change the priority of an Order in OM30?
You cannot change the priority of an Order in OM30. You may raise the priority of an Order by selecting the Priority check box in OE30 or by manipulating the Order Management Controls for the customer in SU13/Info.
What does it mean when the Order priority is 999?
If a product has several Orders assigned to it, and there is an Order that you make a partial guarantee to it in OM30, the priority for subsequent records for that line will be 999. This occurs so that the portion that was not guaranteed can be freed up for allocation to other orders. If you do not want the priority of the Order to be affected in this manor, you must guarantee the entire ordered quantity.
If I select the check box in OE30 for “Priority Order” will this make the Order the highest priority that can be given?
By selecting the Priority Order check box, you will raise the priority of the Order according to the customer’s priority settings in SU13/Info. This does NOT mean that the Order will necessarily get a priority of 1, especially if the normal priority is 13. There are several variables that make up the priority of an Order, including the customer settings in SU13 and the time frame the Order is nearing the Last Shippable date.
If I remove a delinquent or credit limit Hold using OE65, will the priority of the Order be affected?
Removing holds from an Order does affect the priority of the Order. Once an Order is released from a delinquent or credit limit hold, the priority of the order is raised.
If an Order is over the Threshold limit but I enter a higher Minimum % Shippable in OM33/Selection Criteria will the order still print?
The order will not print. Here is an example: If you have set a Threshold limit of 50% for the Earliest date in CC00/OE Parameters -> Threshold Percent Table and the Order in question is at 60%, the Order will pass this test. If, when OM33 is executed, you enter 80% in the Minimum Percent Shippable, the Order will not print.
Can I view all the products that are Late or Over Sold?
To view products that are Late or Over Sold, you must select the 'Oversold/Late Product Summary' from the GoTo menu in OM30. This opens the 'Oversold/Late Products Summary' window where you can select to display products that are Oversold or Late (using the drop down list in the 'Show Products that Are' field). Once you have made your selection, a list of the products display. If you want to view a specific product, double click on the product and you are returned to the main OM30 panel with that product selected.
I am using Assembled Sets but I do not ship from components. Is there a way I can prevent OM30 from allocating to the components of the Assembled Set?
The 'Allocate From Components?' field in CC00/OE->OM Parameters/General Settings allows you to control the allocation of Assembled sets. If you select this field, the system will allocate to both the header and the components. If this field is not selected, then the system only allocates to the header. Note: When you enter an Assembled Set in OE30 and this flag is de-selected, you will notice that when there is stock for the components and no stock for the header, OE30 makes the Order shippable from components. When OM30 runs, this Order only reflects stock Back ordered at the header level and nothing shippable from the component level.
I ship stock from the Assembled set header and components. There is lots of stock for all the components but the Orders are not printing.
Check to see if there is a Purchase Order against the header. If there is (On Time or Late), this will prevent the Orders from being filled since the systems first ships from the header and then from components.
If this is not the case, it may be that there actually is not enough stock to ship from components or header. If even one of the components cannot fill the order, the order will not print.
When I click on an Order in the 'Unscheduled Orders' section in OM33, I cannot get the message box to pop up.
The Start button must be available before you can view the messages for Orders that did not print. If there are orders with payments waiting to be Pre-Authorized, the Cancel button is available by default when you open OM33. Once you click the Cancel, the Start button will open and then you will be able to view the messages for the unprinted order(s).
Will Back orders and Future Orders be allocated in OM30.
All Orders will be allocated in OM30 regardless if they are shippable, back ordered or future ordered. You only see a back order allocated to stock if a document (printed Order) already exists in the system with the product on it and stock has been received after the Order was printed.
Why do I see more Orders in the IC45/I1 folder than in the C5 folder?
Orders that are completely shippable and have printed documents but have not been Invoiced are not displayed in the C5 folder. The only time an Order for a particular product is displayed in both the C5 and I1 folders is when the Order has a back order, but the document has been printed. The product that is back ordered displays on the C5 folder.
On the IC45/C5 folder, what is the 'Available for Allocation' quantity in the 'Last Allocation' section of the window?
This is the quantity that is available for allocation from stock less any guarantees to stock. The calculation is as follows:
(On Hand – On Doc) – Guarantees to Stock
In OM30, what does the 'Total Available' column found on the Available Allocation window (which opens when you click on the Guarantee From query)?
The Total Available is the number of units that can be allocated to Orders. If guarantees have been made to Order lines in the current OM30 transaction, the Total Available is reduced. For example: If a Purchase Order has a quantity of 9 units that have not yet been received but 4 of these units are guaranteed to an Order line, the Total Available is 5.
I allocated a Sales Order but when I ran OM33 it would not print. The reason was “There are no shippable lines on this order”. The Order is a future order but has reached the release date and there is stock.
Any Orders that were Future Orders will not be released using this functionality. A full allocation must be run to release Future Orders.
What is the sequence for allocation?
Stock is allocated to On Time POs, and then to Stock and finally to Late POs.
What programs in Enterprise can remove allocations and guarantees?
Guarantees can be removed if an In-transit in PO60 is retrieved for manipulation. Allocations and guarantees can also be removed in OE30 when you open an Order and select Yes
when the following message displays: