Cancelled Order Header Info Window

The More Header Info button opens the Cancelled Order Header Info window. The following list defines every field on this window:

  • In the Order Info section:

    • Tax Group - determines how the Tax System in Enterprise processes the transaction.

    • Tax License 1 - displays the tax exception, registration or Business Numbers. This field does not affect the calculation of tax.

    • Tax License 2 - displays the tax exception, registration or Business Numbers. This field does not affect the calculation of tax.

    • Contact - displays the Contact selected during Order Entry. The Contact is selected from the list created in Maintain Customer Contacts (SU20).

    • Cart - displays the Cart number associated with the Sales Order when the Sales Order is generated through Evolve.

    • Quote Expiry - this date is used to identify and delete Quotes that have expired.

    • Accept BO - when selected, the sales order can include products on backorder.

    • Ship Complete - when selected, the sales order will not be Scheduled or Printed (OE32/34, OM33, OE33) until all backorders on the sales order can be filled. An order with backorders is placed on Ship Complete Hold and no shipping document is produced until the last backordered line quantity is reserved from stock for the order.

    • Manual Hold - when selected, the sales order is not eligible for scheduling or printing (OE32, OM33, OE33). The sales order remains on Manual Hold until the option is disabled in OE30 or until the Release Orders on Hold (OE65) is run.

    • Ship BO Complete - when selected, the initial sales order is eligible for Scheduling and Printing (OE32/34, OM33 or OE33). If the scheduled sales order results in a backorder, the backorder is placed on Ship Complete Hold and no shipping document is produced until the last backordered line quantity is reserved from stock for the Sales Order.

    • Pricing Hold - when selected, once the sales order is scheduled a Pricing Hold can be assigned to the sales order. Pricing Holds are determined by the parameters set in Company Control Initialization (CC00/Order Entry/Order Review Selection Parameters) or in Maintain Discount Limits (OE04).

    • Release Date - this field is always blank for cancelled orders.

    • Comment - this field is always blank for cancelled orders.

  • In the Summary Invoice Info section:

    • Cost Centre - associated with the customer as set up in Maintain Cost Centre Master (SI01).

    • Requisitioned By - displays the name entered in the 'Requisitioned By' field on the Summary Invoice Cost Centre screen.

  • In the Order Priority Criteria section:

    • Stock Allocation Criteria - identifies the specific criteria elements that are used for this Sales Order in calculating the priority weight. These criteria are only used with Order Management . The values for the 5 priority criteria fields (Stock Allocation Priority, Priority Order, Last Shipment, Credit Limit Exceeded, Delinquent) determine the priority of the order.

    • Priority Order - this check box displays if the order is flagged as a priority order in OE30.

    • Last Shipment - this check box is not applicable once an order is cancelled. The check box is never selected in OE46.

    • Credit Limit Exceeded - this check box is not applicable once an order is cancelled. The check box is never selected in OE46.

    • Delinquent - this check box is not applicable once an order is cancelled. The check box is never selected in OE46.

  • In the Invoice Info section:

    • Invoice Date - this field is always blank in OE46.

    • Invoice To - displays S for Same, P for Paying Office, or R for Receiver.

    • Apply Credit To - this field is not applicable to cancelled orders and, as a result, is always blank.

    • 2nd Sales Rep - a second Sales Rep can be used to split a portion of the Commissions from a transaction with another Sales Rep. This field is optional in OE30.

    • Commission Split - determines the percentage of the Commission for a transaction that is awarded to the Second Sales Rep.

  • In the Order Value section:

    • Outstanding - displays the extended value of all shippable, back ordered and reserved lines on the cancelled order.

  • In the Payment Methods section:

    • Payment Method 1 - the Payment Method selected displays in this field.

    • Payment Method 2 - the second Payment Method selected displays in this field, if applicable.

  • In the final section:

    • Order Type - displays either Regular, Sample or FOB (Free On Board).

    • Reorder - this check box is selected when the sales order is a reorder.

    • Import Order - this field is currently reserved for future use.

    • Campaign - displays the Campaign entered on the order.

    • Trade Show - displays the Trade Show entered on the order.

    • Projected Close Date - displays the Projected Close date entered on the order. The Projected Close Date represents the date that the Quote can be turned into an order.

    • Probability Percent - displays the Probability Percent entered on the quote. The Probability Percent represents the likelihood, in percent format, that the Quote will become an order.

OE46 Cancelled Order Header Info
Cancelled Order Header Info window (OE46)
