The Release Future Orders (OE64) program automatically releases Future Dated orders once the following conditions are met:

  • Future Orders are defined as Sales Orders with a Required Date that is greater than the Order Date PLUS the 'No. of Days for Future Order' field in Company Control Initialization (CC00/Order Entry) PLUS the 'Lead Time' for the Product (from the 'Production Lead Time Days Override' and the 'Transit Lead Time Days Override' fields in Maintain Purchasing Info (PO13)). If you are using Order Management, Future Orders are defined as Sales Orders with an 'Earliest Receipt Date' that is greater than the Order Date PLUS the 'No. of Days for Future Order' in CC00/Order Entry PLUS the 'Lead Time' for the Product (from the 'Production Lead Time Days Override' and the 'Transit Lead Time Days Override' fields in PO13).

  • Future Orders are eligible to go on Future Reserve when the Lead Times for the Future Order are met. Orders on Future Reserve are defined as Sales Orders with a Required Date that is greater than the Order Date PLUS the 'No. of Days for Future Order' field in CC00/Order Entry.

  • A Future Order is eligible for release when the Required Date is reached and there is sufficient stock available. At this point, a Sales Order on Future Reserve is eligible for scheduling and printing.

    Note: If the 'F/O Account for Week-End/Holidays' field is selected in CC00/Order Entry, then weekends and holidays are taken into account.

The following list defines the steps required to run OE64:

  1. The following message automatically displays: "Do you want to start this FUTURE ORDER RELEASE update? Yes/No". Select Yes to start Future Order release process or select No to cancel the request.

  2. The Warehouse Selection window opens. Select the appropriate Warehouse and click OK.

      Note: If a Future Order Release Audit Trail exists, the following message displays: "Outstanding future order release audit trail exists. Return to menu. OK". Click OK and then run Future Order Release Audit Report (OE66).

  3. The Future Order Release in progress! window opens. This window displays a progress bar and all Future Orders being released.

  4. When all Future Orders are released, OE64 automatically closes.

    Note: You cannot run OE64 again until Future Order Release Audit Report (OE66) is run. If you attempt to run OE64 without first running OE66, the following message displays: "Outstanding future order releases audit trail exists! Return to menu. OK". Click OK to close the message window.