Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30) Header Record

The Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30) Header record is available on every folder within OE30. The information on each folder relates to the Customer selected in the Customer field.

    Note: The buttons found in the Footer section (at the bottom of the screen) along with the 'Override Prices' check box field are defined in this topic.

  1. When OE30 first opens, the Sales Office window automatically displays.

    • Select the the Sales Office for this Sales Order and press Enter. Note: Sales Offices are defined in Mntn Sales Office/Whse Numbers (CC96). Each Sales Office may be assigned a set of distinctive prefix characters for the following OE30 transaction types: Sales Orders, Invoices, and Credit Notes. By setting up unique Sales Offices you can easily identify the transactions for each Sales Office during the Order/Invoice cycle.

    • The default Sales Office for your Operator ID is set up in Mntn Operator Passwd/Privilege (CC03), but you can select any Sales Office from the list.

      Note: If you have Sales Orders for different Sales Offices, you must close and reopen OE30 to select an alternate Sales Office.

  2. Enter or select from the query the Customer code in the Customer field.

    • The following messages may automatically display, depending on the 'Sales Office', 'Alternate Ship-To' and 'Status' of the Customer:

      • If the Sales Office selected is not the Sales Office set up for the Customer in Maintain Customer Master (SU13/Info), then the following message displays: "This Customer's Sales Office is (xx). Continue? Yes\No". Select Yes to continue entering the Order. Select No to clear the Customer code field and begin again.

      • If 'Print' or 'Flash' messages are entered in Maintain Ship-to Addresses (SU14) for the current Customer, the message(s) from SU14 automatically display. Click OK to close these message windows.

      • If an alternate Ship-To Address exists for the current Customer in SU14, the following message displays: "Alternate Ship-To Code(s) are Available. OK". Click OK to close the message window. Once the message is closed, you can select an alternate 'Ship To Address' from the Ship To drop down menu on the General folder.

      • The Customer's Status is defined in SU13. Depending on the Status of the Customer, various messages automatically display. The following list defines every Customer Status available and the associated message:

        • H - the Customer is new and is on Hold. The following message displays: "Customer Status is 'H'. This order will go on credit limit hold. OK". Click OK to close the message window. You can continue entering the Sales Order, but the Order will not be scheduled until the Hold is released. (You can release the Hold via Release Orders on Hold (OE65). For more information on OE65 click here.)

        • D - the Customer is flagged for Deletion. The following message displays: "This Customer has been coded for deletion. OK". Click OK to close the message window. The Customer field automatically clears and you cannot enter Sales Orders/Quotes for this Customer.

        • P - the Customer is in Pending Credit status. The following message displays: "Customer Status is 'P'(Pending). Order will be held. OK". Click OK to close the message window. You can continue entering the Sales Order but the Order is automatically put on a Credit Limit hold and cannot be scheduled until the Hold is released using OE65.

        • A - the Customer is Active. Several messages and/or windows can display, depending on the setup and AR status of the Customer in SU13:

          • If the Customer is flagged for 'Summary Invoicing' in SU13/Invoicing, the Summary Invoice Cost Centre window automatically displays. Note: If you have not purchased 'Summary Invoicing' as an option module this screen will never display.

          • If the Customer has exceeded the Credit Limit defined in SU13/OE/AR (all open Orders plus outstanding AR balance exceeds credit limit), the following message displays: "Customer has exceeded their credit limit. This order will go on credit hold. OK". Click OK to close the message window. You can continue entering the Sales Order but the Order cannot be scheduled until the Credit Limit hold is released using OE65 OR until you click New and the following message displays: "Including this order, customer exceeds credit limit by $###.##. Put the order on hold? Yes/No/Cancel". Select No and enter a valid password to release the Credit Hold.

          • If the Customer's Account is delinquent, the following message displays: "Customer's account is delinquent! Backorders might go on hold! OK". Click OK to close the message window. You can continue entering the Sales Order.

          • If the Customer does not have a valid Payment Method set up in Maintain Payment Methods (IN08) for the Sales Office selected, the following message displays: "You cannot use this Customer. No Payment Methods are configured. OK". Click OK to close the message window. You cannot enter Orders or Quotes for the Customer until the Payment Method is configured.

  3. The Customer Name & Address automatically display once the Customer code is entered (and all messages are closed). The defaults set up for the Customer in SU13 automatically populate the fields on each folder in OE30 and the cursor is automatically positioned in the 'Ship-To' field on the General folder.

  4. The Order field serves two purposes:

    • To display the Order or Quote number for the transaction. The first character of the transaction number assigned, referred to as the Prefix, is based on the Prefixes configured for the current Sales Office as defined in CC96.

      Note: The Order or Quote number is not generated until the first Product line is updated on the Lines folder.

    • To select an existing Order or Quote transaction for review or modification. Enter or select from the query the transaction number for the Order or Quote.

    You can only review or delete Sales Orders that have not been Invoiced via Enter Inv/Direct Bills/Credits (IN41).

    • If you select a Sales Order that has been Invoiced in IN41 BUT has not been through the Invoice cycle, the following message displays: "This is an invoice/note (invoice number displays) and can only be altered in IN41. OK". Click OK to close the message window.

    • If the Sales Order has been processed by one of the Order handling programs, such as Schedule Orders for Printing (OE32), Activate Auto-Print Processor (OE33) or Schedule/Print Orders (OM33), you must recall the scheduled Order for modification using Recall Scheduled Orders (OE67). You will require some coordinated assistance from the Order-handling staff at your site to retrieve the picking slip.

    Note: If you are using Order Management (OM) for Order control and you recall an Order that has already been processed in Manual Allocation Override (OM30), the following message displays: "This order has been Allocated. If you wish to change product details or Order Management related fields all allocations must be deleted first, including guarantees. You may keep existing allocations if you wish to change only non-Order Management header fields. Display Orders (OE45) may be used to view the order without making any changes. Yes/No/Cancel".

    • Select 'Yes' to remove existing Allocations and Guarantees and allow access to ALL fields.
    • Select 'No' to keep existing Allocations and Guarantees and edit only non-OM header fields.
    • Select 'Cancel' to skip editing this order.

  5. The Invoice field is not available in OE30. To review a Sales Order that has an Invoice number assigned to it but has not been through the Invoice Cycle, use Display Orders (OE45). If the Invoice has been through the Invoice Cycle, you can review it through Display Invoices from History (IN45).

  6. The Override Prices check box is typically used when you are processing a transaction that requires many manually specified prices, or price overrides.

    • When the Override Prices check box is NOT enabled, you can press ENTER or click Update to update the line on the Lines folder once a 'Product' and 'Order Quantity' are entered, to accept the Price selected by the Pricing system. You still have the option to TAB to each of the remaining fields on the line and make manual overrides.

    • When the Override Prices check box is selected, the cursor stops in the 'Price' field once a 'Product' and 'Order Quantity' are entered to allow for a manual override of the current price.

      You can select/de-select the 'Override Prices' check box at any time during the transaction.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on the Header record in OE30:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Customer Notes Product Notes Opens the Maintain Customer Notes screen that enables you to add or modify a note for the current Customer. Once notes are entered, the icon changes to indicate that there are existing notes Notes.
Order Notes Product Notes Opens the Maintain Order Notes screen that enables you to add or modify a note for the current Sales Order/Quote. Once notes are entered, the icon changes to indicate that there are existing notes Notes.
Update Update Updates the information on the current folder to the Sales Order/Quote.
Delete Delete Deletes the Product added to the Sales Order/Quote on the Lines folder.
New New Clears all fields allowing you to begin a new Sales Order/Quote.
Delete Record Delete Order Deletes the currently selected Order or Quote and all of the Detail Lines. Depending on your set up in CC00/Order Entry, you can cancel and archive the sales order or just cancel the sales order without archiving. Archived cancelled sales orders can be viewed and regenerated into new orders through the Cancelled Orders (OE46) program. For more information on cancelling sales orders, click here.

OE30 Header
OE30/Header record

OE30 Footer
OE30/Footer record
