OE30 - Recalling and Deleting Records

To recall and delete a Sales Order or Quote and all of the detail lines created in OE30, follow these steps:

  1. To recall an Order/Quote, enter or select from the query the Order/Quote number for the transaction you want to delete in the Order field.

  2. If the Order you select is already scheduled and/or printed you can still delete the transaction. The following message displays: "Shipping Doc. (xx) can only be reviewed or deleted. OK/Cancel". Select OK to open the Order in OE30 or select Cancel to close the message window and clear the Order transaction number.

  3. Click Delete Record Delete Order and for Sales Orders only, the following message displays: "Delete Header and all its Details? Yes/No". Verify that you have the correct record and if so, select Yes to remove the record and its details. Select No to cancel the delete request.

    • When you select YES to delete the Order, the following message displays: "Is this a Customer Cancellation due to inventory availability? Yes/No". If you select Yes, the demand statistics for the Product(s) are retained for use in Purchase planning.

    • If you select No, the demand is reversed and not used in Purchase planning.
