The Cancelled Order Reason Codes (OE11) program allows you to maintain reason codes for cancelled sales orders that are to be archived.

  • Cancelled sales orders, depending on the set up in Company Control Initialization (CC00/Order Entry), are passed to the cancelled orders archive available through the Display Cancelled Orders (OE46) program.

  • The cancelled order archive can be used to manage lost sales opportunities: if you utilize the 'Reason Code' feature, you can tag each cancelled/deleted sales order with a reason code as it is archived, and then use iTopia views to analyze why customers are cancelling orders.

  • This allows you to uncover strategic data that can be used to improve your bottom line.

If the 'Cancel Order Action' field in CC00/Order Entry is set to 'Prompt' or 'Always Archive with Reason', the delete order routine in Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30) allows you to enter a Reason Code. The selected reason code and description display in Display Cancelled Orders (OE46).

The following list defines every field in OE11:

  • Cancellation Reason Code - enter or select from the query a Cancellation Reason Code. Reason codes provide a description for the cancellation of a sales order. You can enter a maximum of 20 characters in this field.

  • Description - enter a description of the reason code. You can enter a maximum of 64 alpha numeric characters in this field.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on available on the OE11 window:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Update Submit Updates the Reason Code and description.
Delete Delete Deletes the Reason Code. Note: If you delete the Reason Code, the Cancellation Reason Code still displays on cancelled orders in Display Cancelled Orders (OE46), but the description does not.
New Clear Clears all of the fields allowing you to enter a new reason code.

Cancelled Order Reason Codes (OE11)