The Customer/Ship To Compliance (OE08) links the Ship To for specific customers to Compliance Codes. Compliance Messages associated with the Customer/Ship To print at the top of the selected documents.

    FYI: One customer/Ship To combination can be assigned to multiple Compliance Codes.

    Note: If a Customer has a Compliance Code set up in Customer Compliance (OE07) and the same Compliance Code is assigned to the Customer's Ship To in OE08, then only the Compliance Message from OE08 prints on the selected documents. If the Customer set up in OE07 has a different Compliance Code than the Customer/Ship To in OE08, then both Compliance Messages print on the selected documents.

Setting Up a Customer/Ship To Compliance:

  1. Enter or select from the Query a Customer Code in the Customer Code field.

  2. Enter or select from the Query a Ship To Code in the Ship To Code field.

  3. Enter or select from the Query a Compliance Code. When the Compliance Code is entered, the folders automatically fill with data for the Compliance Code from the Compliance Master (OE05).

  4. Select the Active checkbox to activate the Compliance Code for this customer/Ship To. When this checkbox is not selected, the Compliance Code is deactivated for this customer/Ship To.

  5. On the Default Sales Order Comments folder, you can keep the default Compliance Message from OE05 or you can update the contents of the Compliance Message in the Comments text box. You can also keep the default Form selection from OE05, or you can make changes.

    • You can enter a maximum of 1,024 characters of text.

    • You may manually type in the Compliance message or you can use the Edit feature to add the text from an existing document. For details on using the Editor, click here.

    • The Copy feature allows you to copy the existing message information onto the clipboard. You can paste this information into another document or into any of the other list boxes. You can also highlight the text you want to copy and then right click. A menu list appears allowing you to copy, cut, paste, etc.

    • Select the forms on which the Compliance Message will print by checking the appropriate checkbox. The options available are:
      • Picking prints the comments on the Sales Order.
      • Invoice prints the comments on the Invoice and the Invoice Copy (IN50).
      • Quote prints the comments on the Quote.
      • Order Confirmation prints the comments on the Order Confirmation.

  6. On the Default Purchase Order Comments folder, you can keep the default Compliance Message from OE05 or you can update the contents of the Compliance Message that prints on Purchase Orders for the customer/Ship To.

    • You can enter a maximum of 1,024 characters of text.

    • You may manually type in the Compliance Message or you can use the Edit feature to add the text from an existing document. For details on using the Editor, click here.

    • The Copy feature allows you to copy the existing message information onto the clipboard. You can paste this information into another document or into any of the other list boxes. You can also highlight the text you want to copy and then right click. A menu list appears allowing you to copy, cut, paste, etc.

  7. On the Default Warehouse Message folder, you can keep the default Compliance Message from OE05 or you can update the contents of the Compliance Message that prints to the Radio Beacon files when Schedule Orders for Printing (OE32), Print Purchase Orders (PO42) or Enter Receipts/In-Transits (PO60) are executed. You can also keep the default Form selection from OE05, or you can make changes.

    • You can enter a maximum of 140 characters of text.

    • You may manually type in the Compliance Message or you can use the Edit feature to add the text from an existing document. For details on using the Editor, click here.

    • The Copy feature allows you to copy the existing message information onto the clipboard. You can paste this information into another document or into any of the other list boxes. You can also highlight the text you want to copy and then right click. A menu list appears allowing you to copy, cut, paste, etc.

    • When the Whse Receiving checkbox is selected, the Compliance Message is sent to the Purchase Order file when PO42 is executed. (Selecting this option does not affect any of the other Compliance programs.)

    • When the Whse Sales Order Detail checkbox is selected, the Compliance Message is sent to the Sales Order Detail file when OE32 is executed. (Selecting this option does not affect any of the other Compliance programs.)

  8. When all of the Compliance messages complete, click Update.
 Customer/Ship To Compliance (OE08)
Customer/Ship To Compliance (OE08)