Multi Company vs. Multiple Sales Offices/Warehouses

Additional Information
Multi-Company Discussion Paper

The following table provides points on setting up a multiple Company environment versus a multiple Sales Office or Warehouse environment.

Program Multi-Company Multi-Sales Office/Whse
AR Totally Separate and Independent. All reports, statements, etc. entered individually. Controlled under one Company. Centralized – One aging, one statement, etc. Posting cross branch.
AP Same as above. Same as above.
GL Retained earnings for each Company. One Retained earnings consolidating the SO/Whse.
CC Program access can be restricted to certain Companies. Program access cannot be restricted to SO/Whse. Can use different logins to access different programs.
IC Transfers between Warehouses can not be done in IC50. Warehouse transfers available. Displays will show all Warehouses.
IM Separate Master files must be maintained for each Company. Cost and pricing is specific to companies. Totally separate databases. Consolidated master files. Weighted average costing by main warehouse. Purchase costing is by main Warehouse. Warehouse transfers can add freight to costing.
IN Individual Invoice runs by Company. Could have but do not require - Individual invoice runs by Sales Office.
OE Entered by Company. Displays show applicable Company only. Entered by Sales Office. Displays show all Warehouses for product availability.
PO Purchasing handled totally separate. Purchasing controlled by main warehouse. Better for Auto-Purchasing functions if doing the purchasing for all Warehouses from the main Warehouse. Can use Warehouse replenishment systems.
SA Separate reports. Separate displays. Consolidated reports and displays.
SU Separate customer master files. Totally separate databases. One customer master file.
