Month End Procedure for Purchasing

The following table identifies all of the programs used during the Month End process. Each program is identified as being Mandatory, Recommended or Optional during the Month End process. These terms are defined as:

  • Mandatory - The program must be run each Month (Period) End.

  • Recommended - The Month End process is not dependent on this program, but it is urged that the program be run. This program preserves the integrity of cross-reference files and purges eligible records from certain files.

  • Optional - This program is not required but is useful if you are using the feature or process.

The following table lists all of the Month End programs:

M/R/O Program Description
Recommended PO70
Purchase Order Diagnostics
Recommended PO75
Purchasing Diagnostics
Mandatory PO64 Print all Receiving registers from all Warehouses.
Recommended PO88 Purge Receipts History as required.
Ensure a valid backup has been performed prior to any purge.
