Response Examples

If you are manually building a Job Stream Group to execute a series of Job Stream Groups, you will need to add a Program Sequence to run the Execute Job Stream (JS25) program and then assign two additional Responses: JSGR.GROUP=XXXX and BTN_PLAY.

  • JSGR.GROUP represents the Group Code field of JS25. The equals sign '=' is an operator required to assign a value to the JSGR.GROUP control. The XXXX is replaced with the name of the Job Stream Group (JS01) you wish run within your Job Stream Group.

  • BTN_PLAY represents the Play command button being issued in JS25.

  • For example, let's say that you have 2 job streams. One executes the Schedule Order For Printing (OE32) program and another that executes the Print Shipping Documents (OE34) program. Instead of re-recording these two programs through JS25, you can link them together using the JSGR.GROUP and BTN_PLAY responses.

  • These responses can be added to the existing Group Codes or you can add the responses to a new Group Code. Examples of both methods are outlined below.

    Note: The Execute Job Stream (JS25) program is designed to Record the required Sequence and Response values for you. Exercise caution editing these values manually.

Using an existing Group Code (OE32):

The following steps outline how to join the Group Code OE34 and Group Code OE32 Job Stream Groups into a single job stream by adding the appropriate responses to the OE32 Group Code:

  1. Recall the Group Code OE32 in JS02.

  2. On the Programs folder add a sequence for the JS25 program.

Add JS25 program to Programs folder
JS25 Program added to JS02/Programs

  1. On the JS02 Programs folder, highlight the JS25 program in the list box and then open the Responses folder.

  2. Add a Sequence for the 'JSGR.GROUP' Response for OE34 and update the record.

  3. Add a sequence for the 'BTN_PLAY' Response and update the record.

Add responses to Response folder
New Responses Added to JS02/Responses

  1. You can now enter the Group Code 'OE32' in JS25 and the OE32 and OE34 programs will run in sequence.

Creating a New Group Code:

The following list outlines the steps to join the OE32 and OE34 programs into a new Group Code:

  1. Create a new Group Code through the Job Stream Group (JS01) program. We will call it OE32/OE34.

  2. Open JS02 and select the new Group Code.

  3. In the Program Sequence field, enter a sequence number (for example '10').

  4. In the Program ID field, enter 'JS25'. Click Update to update the the record.

  5. Highlight the JS25 program in the list box and then open the Responses folder.

Add JS25 program to Programs folder
JS25 program Added to JS02/Programs

  1. On the JS02/Response folder, enter a sequence number in the 'Sequence' field.

  2. In the Response field, enter 'JSGR.GROUP=OE32'. Click Update to update the record. This is the first program that we will run when JS25 is 'played' for the Group Code ‘OE32/OE34’.

  3. Enter the next sequence number in the Sequence field and then in the Response field enter 'BTN_PLAY'. Click Update to update the record.

  4. Enter the next sequence number in the Sequence field and then in the Response field enter 'JSGR.GROUP=OE34'. Click Update to update the record.

  5. Enter the next sequence number in the Sequence field and then enter 'BTN_PLAY' as the response. Click Update to update the record.

Add Responses to folder
Responses Added to JS02/Responses

  1. You can now enter the Group Code 'OE32/OE34' in JS25 and the OE32 and OE34 programs will run in sequence.
