CRM SIC Code-Search Criteria/Grid
CRM SIC Code-Details Page
CRM SIC Code-Create

Additional Information
Customer Master (SU13)-Details Page
Customer Master (SU13) Quick Entry-Details Page
Lead Master-Complete Entry-Details Page
Lead Master-Quick Entry-Details Page

The CRM SIC Code view maintains records that are applied to Customers, Prospects and/or Leads in the SIC Code field on the details page of the Customer Master (SU13), Customer Master (SU13)-Quick Entry, Lead Master-Complete Entry and Lead Master-Quick Entry views.

  • SIC is the Standard Industrial Classification code or system which is used by the US government for classifying industries with a 4-digit code.

  • SIC was replaced by the NAICS system in 1997, but some US government agencies still use SIC codes.

Note: The ability to create and update information in the CRM SIC Code view is controlled by the permissions (create, read, update and delete) assigned to the resource within the role. This help topic assumes that you have the appropriate permissions to create and update records in the CRM SIC Code view. For more information, see Role Master-Permissions.

You can edit the CRM SIC Code information in either the Search Criteria/Grid page, in the grid section, or on the Details page.

The following fields are available on the CRM SIC Code and are based on the order in which they appear in the grid on the search page:

  • Company - every record in the PointForce iTopia SQL database includes the Company Number. When reviewing the results from your search, the Company Number will display for all CRM SIC Code records. This field cannot be edited.

  • SIC Code - displays a short description for the CRM SIC Code. This field cannot be edited.

  • SIC Description - the Sales Status Description can be a maximum of 64 alpha numeric characters in length. You can edit this field as required.

For information on the functionality of each button on the CRM SIC Code Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.
