Lead Contact Master - Details Page
When you click on the View Record Details icon for a specific record on the Lead Contact Master Search Criteria/Results page, the Lead Contact Master Detail page opens for that record. The information contained on the Detail page includes many more fields than those displayed on the Search Criteria/Results page. The fields on the Details page can also be edited.
There are many sections on the Detail page of the Lead Contact Master. The following list defines every field in each section:
- In the Name section:
- Contact Title - enter or select from the drop list the title of the contact. Valid options include:
- Dr.
- Fr.
- Miss
- Mr.
- Mrs.
- Ms.
- Prof
- Contact First Name - the contact first name can be a maximum of 30 alpha characters in length.
- Middle Name - the contact middle name can be a maximum of 30 alpha characters in length.
- Contact Last Name - the contact last name can be a maximum of 30 alpha characters in length.
- Contact Suffix - enter or select from the drop list a suffix for the contact. Valid options include:
- II - The Second
- III- The Third
- Sr. - Senior
- Jr. - Junior
- Job Title - the title of the contact to a maximum of 64 characters.
- Department - the department of the contact to a maximum of 60 characters.
- Division - the division of the contact to a maximum of 60 characters.
- In the User Info section:
- User Name - the user name associated with the contact to a maximum of 26 characters.
- Language - enter or select from the lookup the language for the contact. This is a mandatory field and is validated against the Language Master.
- In the Communication section:
- Telephone Number - the telephone number for the contact. The telephone number appears exactly as entered in this view. Be sure to include the area code and dashes.
- Extension Number - the telephone extension number for the contact.
- Fax Number - the fax number for the contact. The fax number appears exactly as entered in this view. Be sure to include the area code and dashes.
- Cellular Number - the cell number for the contact. The cell number appears exactly as entered in this view. Be sure to include the area code and dashes.
- Web Address - the Internet Address web page from an external web server for the contact. Click on
to open the web browser and view the page.
- UNC to Client Document Folder - enter the path to a contact related directory where files pertaining to this contact may exist on your network. Note: A UNC Path is constructed from the name of the server, the name of the share on that server and is followed by any additional subdirectories within the share. For example, \\Server\Share\SubDirectory1\SubDirectory2. Once the record is saved, a folder icon
displays to the right of this field. When you click on this icon, the associated directory opens. The path provided in a UNC type field is not validated by iTopia.
- Intranet - enter a contact related web page from an internal web server (Intranet) or from a web page stored on your regular server. Click on
to open the web browser and view the page.
- Accept Email - identifies whether or not the lead contact accepts email correspondence. From the drop list select Yes or No.
- In the Company Name and Address section:
- Company Name - the company name associated with the contact.
- Address 1 - the street and number for the contact address. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters.
- Address City - the city or town for the contact address. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters.
- State/Province - enter or select from the lookup the Province or State for the contact address. The Province/State lookup is defined in Maintain Province Codes (CC14).
- Address Zip/Postal Code - the Postal Code or Zip Code for the contact address. For Canadian addresses, the postal code field automatically converts to Upper Case. The postal code displays exactly as entered, therefore be sure to enter the postal code with a space between the first group of 3 alpha numeric characters and the second group of 3 alpha numeric characters, for example H0H 0H0.
- Country - the country for the contact address. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters. This field is not validated.
- In the System section, the fields are available for information purposes only and cannot be edit::
- Creator - displays the user id of the user logged into the system when the contact record was created.
- Date/Time Created - displays the date and time at which the contact record was created.
- Modifier - displays the user id of the user logged into the system when the contact record was last updated.
- Last Change - displays the date and time at which the contact record was last updated.
For information on the functionality of each button on the Lead Contact Master Details page, click here.