Case Stage (CASESTG)

Case Stages

Case Stages-Search Criteria/Grid
Case Stages-Details page
Case Stages-Create

Additional Information
Cases-Details page
Case Type-Search Criteria/Grid

The Case Stages view allows you to create, edit and delete the Stages that are used when creating Cases. The Stage helps to establish the work flow that is associated with each Case Type. When you create a Case Type, you can further define how the Type is to be handled by setting up various Stages for that Type.

  • For example, you have a Case Type of 'Warranty Repair'. For each item that comes in for a repair covered by the warranty, your sales reps are trained to do the following activities:

    • Assign - assign the item to a repair technician
    • WIP – repair is in progress
    • QA – repair has gone to QA for testing
    • QA Passed – repair has passed QA’s tests and item will be shipped back to customer (Case is now closed)
    • QA Failed – repair was not successful and item must be returned to manufacturer
    • Returned to Mfgr – item must be returned to manufacturer (Case is now closed because item will leave our facilities)

  • Each of these steps easily translates to a Stage associated with the 'Warranty Repair' Case Type.

  • The Sequence field is used to order the steps within the Stage.

Note: The ability to create and update information in the Case Stages view is controlled by the permissions (create, read, update and delete) assigned to the resource within the role. This help topic assumes that you have the appropriate permissions to create and update records in the Case Stages view. For more information, see Role Master-Permissions.

You can edit the Case Stages information in either the Search Criteria/Results Grid page, in the grid section, or on the Details page

The following fields are available on the Case Stages and are based on the order in which they appear in the grid on the search page:

  • Company - every record in the PointForce iTopia SQL database includes the Company Number. When reviewing the results from your search, the Company Number will display for all Case Stages records. This field cannot be edited.

  • Case Type - displays the Type that is associated with the current Stage. This field cannot be edited.

  • Case Stage - displays a short description of the Stage. This field cannot be edited.

  • Description - displays the full description of the Case Stage. You can enter a maximum of 128 alpha numeric characters in this field. You can edit this field as required.

  • Complete Stage - indicates whether or not the Stage is the final stage for the selected Type. You can edit this field as required.

    • Note: When a Stage is flagged as Complete (i.e. the Complete flag is set to 'Yes'), and that Stage is applied to a Case in the Cases view, then two actions automatically occur:

      1. The 'Actual Completion Date' field is set to the current date.

      2. The 'Complete' field is set to 'Yes'.

  • Sequence Number - indicates the order of the Stage within the Activity Type. You can enter between 0 to 999999999 in this field. You can edit this field as required.

    • Note: The sequence number can be the same for all of the records. In this scenario, there is no 'official' sequence to the steps within a stage.

  • Date/Time Created - displays the date and time the record was created. This field cannot be edited.

  • Last Change - displays the last date and time the record was edited. This field cannot be edited.

For information on the functionality of each button on the Case Stages Search Criteria Results/Grid page, click here.
