Creating User Master-Restriction Records via 'Edit with Excel':

Using the 'edit with excel' method, you can create multiple new User Master-Restriction records at the same time. An existing record (or multiple records) are copied from iTopia to an Excel spreadsheet where you can copy, add and/or edit the records on the spreadsheet as required. When the spreadsheet information is updated, all of the records are automatically copied back into iTopia.

    Note: In order to use the Edit with Excel functionality, your Internet Explorer browser and Microsoft Excel must be configured properly. For more information about setting up your browser and Excel, click here. For more additional information on the Edit with Excel feature, click here.

The following list outlines the steps required to create new User Master-Restriction records using the 'edit with excel' method:

  1. Signed on as the system user, open the User Master-Restriction view by:

    • Entering user_domain_rls in the Search field and then clicking Go.
    • Selecting the User Management System folder on the main menu, then selecting the Master Tables folder and then selecting 'User Master-Restriction'.

  2. Enter an existing user name in the User Name field in the Search Criteria section and click Search. To illustrate the 'edit with excel' method, we will walk through an example:

    User Restriction 1
    User Master-Restriction - Finding an existing User record

    • As this example displays, user15 has three restrictions. All Restrictions are for the iBIS Database:

      1. The 'compny' Domain with a value of '10' indicates that user15 is restricted to viewing only Company 10 information.

      2. The 'ibis_client' Domain Name with a value {session.ibis_client} indicates that the user is restricted to the Attribute Value entered in the User Master-Attribute view for the Attribute Key session.ibis_client.

      3. The 'whse' Domain with a value of '01' indicates that user15 is restricted to viewing only Warehouse 01 information in each view that has the Domain='whse'.

      Note: When using this method of adding Restrictions, you should select a user that contains restrictions that you want to apply to the new user.

  3. Following this example, we want to add all of the restrictions that currently exist for user15 to user115.

    • Click the Use Selected Records as Criteria for Action icon

    • Select Edit All Records With Excel option from the drop list.

    Excel Restriction 1a
    User Master-Restriction - Edit All Records with Excel option

  4. Excel opens and all of the records from the User Master-Restriction Search Results page are included on the spread sheet. On the Excel spread sheet:

    • Change the 'User Name' to user115 for all the rows.

    • Click on the Save button. The Status is updated to 'Created'.

    • Close the Excel spreadsheet but do not save it.

    Excel Spreadsheet with User Master-Restriction information

  5. The following message displays in the User Master-Restriction view: "The data was modified using an external source. Please redo the search to view the latest changes."

  6. If you want to view the new records:

    • Enter the user name(s) for which you created Restrictions on the Excel spread sheet in the User Name field in the Search Criteria section. We will enter user115.

    • Click Search.

    • The new user now owns the three Restrictions that were applied through the Edit with Excel function.

    • When you have reviewed the records, close the User Master-Restriction view.

    Excel Restriction 3a
    User Master-Restriction - Review the New Records
