Creating a New User-Attribute Record
The User Master-Attribute view is used to define defaults for all views accessed by the user. Even though it is not necessary to set up any attributes for users, it is recommended that the '' and 'session.ibis_client' attributes be applied to all users. In the User Master-Attribute view, you can create a new User-Attribute record using various methods. It is recommended that you are logged into iTopia as the 'system' user when creating new users. There are three methods available for creating user records in the User Master-Attribute view:
- Create - the Create button is located on the on the Search Criteria/Results page or on the Details page. When you use this method, all of the mandatory fields must be entered manually. The current topic focuses on creating users through the Create functionality, however you may find that using the 'Copy' or 'Edit with Excel' techniques very useful once you have the base user-attribute records created.
- Copy - the the Copy button is located on the Details page. When you use this method, all of the fields from the original record are copied into a new record. Using the Copy option reduces keystrokes as only the fields that require change from user to user need to be re-entered prior to the update. For details on creating users using the 'copy' method, click here.
- Edit with Excel - the Edit with Excel functionality is located in the drop lists for both the 'Use Selected Records as Criteria for Action'
icon (located to the right of the Export to Excel icon) and the 'Use Record as Criteria for Action' icon (located to the left of the selection check box on a detail line) on the Search Criteria/Results page. When you use this method, you can easily create multiple user-attribute records as the update takes place on the Excel spread sheet. For details on creating users using the 'edit with excel' method, click here.
Creating a new user-attribute record using the 'Create' method:
- Signed on as the system user, open the User Master-Attribute view by:
- Entering user_att in the Search field and then clicking Go.
- Selecting the User Management System folder on the main menu, then selecting the Master Tables folder and then selecting 'User Master-Attribute'.
- From either the Search Criteria/Results page or the Details page on the User Master-Attribute view, click on Create.
- The User Master-Attribute/Create window opens. Here is an example of the fields displayed on the Create page:

When all of the information is entered, click Continue to continue creating the new User-Attribute record.
- The User Master-Attribute page opens for the new Attribute Key. There is only one field on this page:
- Attribute Value - enter the appropriate value in the text box. The values entered are dependent on the Attribute Key you entered on the previous page. For example:
- '' - enter the company number(s) you want the user to have access to. You can enter an asterisk '*' for all companies, a single company number, or multiple company numbers separated by a comma(s). The values entered do NOT restrict the user from accessing information for various companies. The value(s) entered for the Attribute Key only set the default for the company in each view. For example, if your business consists of companies 10, 99 and 20, and you enter:
- '10' as the Attribute Value, the user only sees records for company 10 based on the entered criteria when a search is initiated in any view, but the user can search for information on any company.
- '10' and '99' as the Attribute Value, the user sees records for both company 10 and 99 based on the entered criteria when a search is initiated in any view.
- '*' as the Attribute Value, the user sees records for all companies based on the entered criteria when a search is initiated in any view.
Note: If you want to restrict a user to specific companies, you must do so using the User Master-Restriction view.
- 'session.ibis_client' - enter your client code.
- When all of the information is entered, you can click Submit or Save:
- When you click Save
, all of your changes are saved and you remain on the User Master-Attribute page.
- TIP: If you decide that you do not want to create the current record, you can abort the process by clicking Close or Return to Search Page
icon. The following message displays: "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? Any changes will be discarded. Click OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page. OK/Cancel". Only changes made prior to the record being updated using the Continue, Save or Submit buttons will be discarded.
- When you click Submit, all of your changes are saved and you are returned to the Create page where you can enter another new User-Attribute record.