Parent and Child Resources
1. General Overview:
Parent Resources are normally Group Resources that can contain both Individual and Group Resources. These Individual and Group Resources contained within a Parent Resource are known as Child Resources.
- Parent Resources can also be Child Resources of other Parent Resource. Using the example below, the Orders menu folder, which is a Group Resource, is a Parent Resource.
- The Child Resources associated with the Orders Parent Resource are:
- Future Order Product Details View, an Individual Resource.
- Generated Purchase Order View, an Individual Resource.
- Open Order Manual ShipTo, an Individual Resource
- Bill of Lasting (OE36), a Resource Group.
- Compliance, a Resource Group.
- Display Orders (OE45), a Resource Group.

2. Ensuring BOTH Child and Parent Resources are added to a Role:
When adding Child Resources to a role, it is very important that you also add the Parent Resource that is associated with the Child Resource. If the appropriate Parent Resources are not added to the role, it is likely that the Child Resources will not be displayed on the users’ menu.
- Continuing with our example, let's say you add the Resources for the 'Dedicated Purchase Orders (OE45)', 'Orders-Comments (OE45)', 'Orders-Products (OE45)' and 'Orders-Supplementary Charges (OE45)' to the role.
- These are all Child Resources of the Parent Resource 'ibis_oe45.resources' (Display Orders (OE45)). You must also add this Parent Resource to the Role.
- The Display Orders (OE45) resource is also a Child of the Parent Resource 'ibis_order_menu' (Orders), so you must also add this Parent Resource to the Role.
- The Orders resource is also a Child Resource of the Parent Resource ibis_home_menu (Integrated Business Intelligence Suite (iBIS)), so you must also add this Parent Resource to the Role.