"Button" Functionality on the "Quick Add" Page

This topic describes the functionality of each button on the "Quick Add" page of the views in the iBIS (Integrated Business Intelligence Suite) module of PointForce iTopia.

  • Note: This topic covers all buttons that may be available on the Quick Add page of the views. If a button is listed in this topic but is not available on the view you are currently working with, then the view does not include the functionality of that button.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on available on the Quick Add page:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Add Line to Results Add Saves the record and adds the current item and sort value to the Search Results section of the current view.
Add Line & Go to Details Page Add... Saves the record and opens the Detail page for the current item and sort order value. You can change the sort order on the details page and you can update the record by clicking on Continue or Submit.
Continue Continue Saves the changes made on the current page and opens the next logical view in the workflow.
Submit Submit Saves the changes made on the current page and returns you to the Search Criteria/Results page.
Refine Search Refine Search Opens the search criteria for the view. When you click Create on this page, you are returned to the quick add page page where you can continue adding multiple items and sort values.
Personalize Personalize Opens up the Personalization section of iTopia which allows you to personalize the Search Criteria, Search Results, Sort and Details page of the current view. For more information on personalizing a view, click here.
Note: If this button is not available on your view, you have not been assigned to a role that has been granted the 'customize' permission. Please contact your system administrator for more details.
Warning: If you Personalize the current view, you must include ALL of the required fields; if you exclude one or more of the required fields, you will not be able to save records in your new view.
Export to Excel Export to Excel Opens a spread sheet that contains all of the records retrieved by the search. Note: The information on this spread sheet cannot be edited and saved back into the current module.
Use Selected Records
As Criteria for Action
Use Record as Criteria (On top of the grid in the Header section)
Caution: When using any of the following options, you may inadvertently delete or modify records that you did not mean to change. The records can only be recovered to their original state from a backup of the system.

The following 4 options are available:

  • Edit All Records with Excel – opens an editable Excel spread sheet that contains all of the records retrieved from the search up to the quantity entered in the 'Maximum Search Results Records to Display' field for this user. Note: This option is only available if Excel is installed on your PC and the user has been assigned the Web Services license.
The following options work with the ‘Select or Deselect all Rows’ check box in the Header section and with the selected check boxes on the detail lines in the grid.
  • Edit with Excel – opens an editable Excel spread sheet that contains all of the records selected from the grid. Note: This option is only available if Excel is installed on your PC and the user has been assigned the Web Services license.
  • Delete - deletes the selected records. The following confirmation message displays: "Are you sure you want to delete these records? Yes/No". Select Yes to delete the record(s). Select No to cancel the delete request.
  • Update Field – a window opens with the following message: "Updating x Records in Customer Price List". The window includes a Field drop list that allows you to select the field you want to update. An input field automatically opens allowing you to enter the new information. Click Submit to update the record or click Close to cancel the request.
Use Record as Criteria
for Action
Use Record as Criteria Only the record to the right of this icon is affected by the actions selected. The following 4 options are available:
  • Link To – displays quick links to various views that are related to the current resource. 'Recent Views' will be available if you have previously selected any of the options from the Link To menu (a maximum of 5 recent views will display). 'Related Resource Group' will be available if there are Related Resources assigned to the Details page for this record.
  • Edit with Excel – opens an editable Excel spread sheet that contains the current record. This option is only available if Excel is installed on your PC and the user has been assigned the Web Services license.
  • Delete - deletes the record. The following confirmation message displays: "Are you sure you want to delete these records? Yes/No". Select Yes to delete the record(s). Select No to cancel the delete request.
  • Update Field – a window opens with the following message: “Updating 1 Records in Customer Price List”. The window includes a Field drop list that allows you to select the field you want to update. An input field automatically opens allowing you to enter the new information. Click Submit to update the record or click Close to cancel the request.
View Record Details Detail Opens the Details page for the current record.
