Authorizing Sales Orders Pre-Authorized in AR38 or AR39
When you create a Sales Order with an EFT Payment Method that is set up to be Pre-Authorized in EFT Authorizations Auto-Processor (AR38) or Process EFT Authorizations (AR39) and NO modifications are made to the lines on the Order in IN41 that affect the Order value, a transaction is automatically sent to AR38 or AR39 for Authorization when you click New in IN41.
Note: The Transaction Type must be set to 'Invoice' in IN41/General.
Modifying Sales Orders Pre-Authorized in AR38 or AR39:
- When a Sales Order includes only a First Payment and one or more lines are added/deleted or modified in IN41/Lines:
- Adding Lines/Increasing the Value - line(s) are added or you increase the value of existing lines to the point that the 'Authorization Amount' is exceeded. The 'Authorized Amount' is moved to the 'Amount Tendered' field and the Second Payment automatically opens. If you select an EFT Payment Method, you must enter all of the required EFT information for the Second Payment Method. Authorization is not required at this point.
If the current Order is one that requires Authorization in AR39, you can Authorize the Second Payment while you are in IN41 or you can click New in the footer section of IN41 and have the Authorization take place in AR39.
Note: You will NOT be able to Authorize the First Payment in IN41. Once you click the 'New' button, a transaction is sent to AR38 or AR39 for Authorization.
If the current Order is one that requires Authorized in AR38 or AR39, two transactions are sent to AR38 for Authorization (one for the First Payment and one for the Second Payment) once you click the 'New' button.
- Deleting Lines/Decreasing the Value - lines are deleted or the value of the Order is decreased, the Amount Tendered is automatically reduced and the Second Payment is still not required.
- When a Sales Order includes a First and Second Payment that both require Pre-Authorization in AR38 or AR39, and one or more lines are added/deleted or modified in IN41/Lines:
- Adding Lines/Increasing the Value - line(s) are added or you increase the value of existing lines to the point that the 'Authorization Amount' is exceeded on both the First and Second Payments. The 'Authorized Amount' is moved to the 'Amount Tendered' field, and the following message displays: "This Order has been Pre-Authorized. If the Invoice total exceeds the total Pre-Authorization, the Invoice will be created in Accounts Receivable. OK". Click OK to close the message window. When the Invoice is processed through Print Invoices/Credit Notes
(IN42), the Invoice displays the Credit Card Information for both the First and Second Payments as well as an amount that is posted to the Customer's account.
- Deleting Lines/Decreasing the Value - lines are deleted or the value of the Order is decreased to the point where both the First and Second Payments are still required, the 'Amount Tendered' in both Payments is adjusted to reflect the new Order value.
If you decrease the value of the Order to the point where only the First Payment is required, the 'Amount Tendered' for the Second Payment is reduced to zero and the First Payment is automatically adjusted.
Note: You will NOT be able to enter an Authorization in IN41 for either Payment. Once you click the 'New' button, transactions are written to either AR38 or AR39.
- When a Sales Order includes a First Payment that requires Pre-Authorization AND the Second Payment is set to 'On Acct', and one or more lines are added/deleted or modified in IN41/Lines:
- Adding Lines/Increasing the Value - line(s) are added or you increase the value of the existing Order lines to the point that the 'Authorization Amount' is exceeded for the First Payment. The 'Authorized Amount' is moved to the 'Amount Tendered' field and any additional charges are automatically applied to the 'On Acct' Second Payment.
- Deleting Lines/Decreasing the Value - lines are deleted or the value of the Order is decreased, the Second Payment is reduced first. If the Order value is reduced to the point were the Second Payment is no longer needed, the Second Payment is adjusted to zero and the 'Amount Tendered' for the First Payment is automatically adjusted.
Voiding Authorized Sales Orders:
Once an Authorization is obtained in AR38 or AR39 for a Pre-Authorized Sales Order, you may decide that you need to make corrections to the Order that involve changes to the Order lines.
Note: Transactions will NOT be sent to AR38 or AR39 for Authorization until Print Invoices/Credit Notes (IN42) is executed and accepted. You must recall the Invoice using Recover Invoices for Reprint (IN99).
When you recall the order in IN41, the Reverse button becomes available for the First and Second Payments as required. The following list defines the steps required to Reverse the Authorization:
- Click Reverse.
- If you recall an Order that was Authorized in AR38 or AR39, the following message displays: "Void request has been submitted to the EFT payment queue for processing. OK". Click OK to close the message. The 'Pre-Authorization' field becomes an open 'Authorization' field. Once the changes are made to the Order lines, a new Authorization is required. If the Order is Authorized in IN41, the Void Authorization must be completed in AR39. If the Authorization is not done in IN41, both the Void Authorization and Authorization must be completed in AR38 or AR39.
Note: Changes that are required to the EFT information (Payment Method, Card Number, etc) are only allowed in AR39.
- If you recall an Order that was Authorized in AR38, the following message displays: "Void request has been submitted to the EFT payment queue for processing. OK". Click OK
to clear the message. The Pre-Authorization field remains closed but some of the EFT information fields become open. At this point you are able to change the Payment Method, Card Number, Card Holder Name, Expiry Date, Telephone and Extension fields. Once the changes have been made to the order lines a new Authorization will be required. Once you click the New button, a new transaction is sent to AR38 for Authorization.