Additional Information
Disqualification Messages

The Delete Inactive Inventory Items (IM16) purges the Inventory Master files of any Products that are flagged for deletion. If the Product has Sales History (excluding Invoice History), On Hand balance, outstanding Orders, outstanding Purchase Orders or is assigned in a variety of other master files, the Product will not be deleted.

The Deletion process will not begin if the Product is found in any of the following scenarios:

  • An unprinted Inventory Adjustment Register exists in Print Stock Adjustment Report (IC51).
  • An unprinted Receipt Register exists in Print Receiving Register (PO64).
  • An unprinted Warehouse Forecast Edit Report (IC24) exists.
  • A physical count is in process (Set-up Files for Warehouse (PI01) has been initialized).

If any of these conditions exist, a 'condition-specific' error message displays and the program closes. Print/clear up the condition, and return to IM16 to initiate the deletion process again.

When a Product is flagged for deletion in Maintain Inventory Master (IM13), the Class Code for the Product is set to 'X'. IM16 finds all Products with a Class Code of 'X' and verifies that each Product is eligible for deletion.

  • All processes that affect Inventory balances must be completed prior to running IM16. All files that are updated or affected by Product processing are read to ensure that there are no unfinished processes. In other words, the Product cannot be on any outstanding Orders, Invoices or Purchase Orders; all inventory quantities must be zero.

  • Product History is retained on a rolling basis for a period of twenty-four (24) months. A Product with Sales History will not be deleted.

  • When a Product flagged for deletion is qualified for deletion, it is purged from the Inventory Master file, the Purchasing Information Master file and all corresponding cross-reference files. Purchasing History, Receipt History, Inventory Movement History and Royalty History are also deleted.

  • An audit trail is automatically printed upon completion of the purge that reports Products that were successfully deleted as well as Products that were skipped and the associated disqualification message. For more information on Disqualification messages, click here

    Note: The Execute Product Recode/Merge (RM82) can be used as an alternate way to clear out obsolete Product codes.

Using IM16:

  1. In the Last Deletion section, the Run Date and Status fields automatically display the last run date and completion status for IM16.

  2. Click on Start to initiate the Delete Inactive Inventory Items process.

  3. When the process is complete, the Delete Inactive Products report is available for viewing once you select the appropriate printer. The Report lists the Products that were deleted and the reason why Products that were flagged for deletion could not be deleted. For example, Products on open Purchase Orders or Products on open Sales Orders, Products with an On Hand quantity not equal to zero, etc.

  4. To complete the Deletion process:

    • Enter the Acceptance Codes from the report into the Acceptance Code fields and click OK. Products eligible for deletion are purged and the Audit report is erased.
    • Click Abort to end the process. No Products are purged.

Delete Inactive Inventory Items (IM16)