The Stock Folder contains information related to the characteristics of the Product selected in the Header record. The list below defines every field on the Stock folder:
Stock Information:
- Commodity Code - categorize products into various Product Lines and Product Groups. Commodity Codes are created in IM09. The first 2-characters of the Commodity Code represent the Product Line and the next 2-characters represent the Product Group. Every product is assigned a Commodity Code.
- For more details on Commodity Codes, click here.
- Note: You can use the Commodity Code field to search for a product in OE30, IN41 and RS41.
- G/L Code - is one of the factors used to determine the GL Control Accounts updated for this product as a result of posting customer Invoices, Inventory Adjustments or Stock Receipts. The default G/L Code for new products is "00".
- Class Code - is used to group your products together for Reporting and Inventory reordering. Every product is assigned a Class Code. The default Class Code for new products is A.
- Class Code "X" means a product is flagged for deletion (by Delete Inactive Inventory Items (IM16)). Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30) does not allow the order quantity to be greater than the quantity available on new order lines. Create Purchase Orders (PO40) does not allow the product to be ordered on a new Purchase Order. Generate Preliminary POs
(PO23) skips these products on proposed POs.
- For more details on Class Codes, click here.
- Brand - this code allows you to easily identify all products with the same Product Brand name. The Product Band codes are defined in IM09/Product Brands.
Lookup Keywords
- Keyword #1, 2 and 3 - enable you to customize your search for this Product. There are 3 keyword fields available; each keyword can be a maximum of 8 characters in length.
- Note: You can use the Keyword field to search for a product in OE30, IN41 and RS41. On the Product Browse screen, select the Keyword browse option and use any of the keywords to identify products with matching keywords. You may enter any or all of the three keywords, simply separate each with a 'space'.
Primary Supplier:
- Supplier - displays the Supplier Code and Supplier Name of the Primary Supplier for the product. This information is set up in Maintain Purchasing Info (PO13) and is for information purposes only in IM13.
- Note: You can use the Supplier Code to search for a product in OE30, IN41 and RS41.
SKU Measurements:
- The SKU Measurments are for a single stock keeping unit:
- Length - can be a maximum of 13 characters, including the decimal point.
- Width - can be a maximum of 13 characters, including the decimal point.
- Height - can be a maximum of 13 characters, including the decimal point.
- Volume - is calculated based on the length, width and height entered for the product and displays in CC or CuFt depending on the selection from the Measuring Units field. The Length, Width and Height must be entered for the Volume to be calculated.
- The total shippable volume of an order is accumulated and prints at the bottom of the Picking Slip.
- Note:
PO13 also includes the volume of the purchased unit. Given differences in buying units of measure verses stock-keeping units of measure plus variations in packaging, these volumes may be different.
- Weight - is the weight displayed in Kilograms (Kg) or Pounds (Lb).
- The total shippable weight of an order is accumulated and prints at the bottom of the Picking Slip.
- Note: PO13 also includes the weight of the purchased unit. Given differences in buying units of measure verses stock-keeping units of measure plus variations in packaging, these weights may be different.
- Measuring Units - this drop box allows you to select type of measure to display for this product. You have two options: Metric (Cm and Kg) or U.S. (In and Lb). If the Country is set to Canada in Maintain Company (CC95), this field defaults to Metric; if the Country in CC95 is set to the United States, the default is U.S. You can change this at any time.
- Note: IM13 calculates and stores BOTH the Metric and the U.S. values for all of the SKU Measurements. When the default is changed, the alternate measuring unit values automatically display.
Product Labelling:
- Print Label at Receiving - select this option to print labels for the product when it is received.
- When this option is selected, the Print Product Labels (IM42) screen automatically opens if you click on Product Labelling from the Tools menu on the Enter Receipts/In-Transits (PO60) screen.
IM13/Stock Folder