The Maintain User Defined Info (IM11) screen allows you to create a template containing additional information or instructions that can be assigned to a Product. The User Defined Info (UDI) template is created in IM11 and is assigned to individual Products in Maintain Inventory Master (IM13/Miscellaneous) in the following fields:

  • UDI Code 1 - the User Defined Info template displays when the operator is using the following programs:

    • Enter Orders/Quotes (OE30)
    • Enter Invoices/Direct Bills/Credit Notes (IN41)
    • Enter Cash Counter Invoices (RS41)

  • The Operator can view the information by clicking on the UDI button on the Lines folder in OE30, IN41 or RS41.

  • UDI Code 2 - the User Defined Info template prints below the Product Description on the Sales Order when the Sales Order is printed, and the User Defined Info template also prints on the Invoice in IN41.

  • Note: If a UDI2 code has been assigned to a product (UDI2 comments print on the Picking Slip), those order lines will sort to the top of the Picking Slip no matter what the Picking Sequence Flag in Company Control (CC00/Order Entry) is set to.

Using Maintain User Defined Info:

  1. Enter a code for the template in the UDI Code field. This code can be a maximum of 4 alpha-numeric characters in length.

  2. Enter a description for the template in the Description field. The description can be a maximum of 30 alpha-numeric characters in length.

  3. Line numbers are automatically assigned by the system, but you can enter your own line number in the Line field as required. The lines display or print in line number sequence. You can add up to 23 lines of information.

  4. Enter a description for the line in the Description field. The description can be a maximum of 72 alpha-numeric characters in length.

  5. Click Update to update the template.

    Note: Use the Adjust button when changes are made to a UDI template AND the template is assigned to the UDI2 field for a product(s) on a Sales Order that has not been printed. The Adjust function updates the template on the unprinted Sales Order.

    Note: When you edit an existing UDI template by adding [ ] brackets for 'user' input, the changes will not take effect in OE30, IN41, RS41 and IC45 until you update each Product linked to the UDI in Maintain Inventory Master (IM13/Misc).

  6. When you recall an existing UDI, the Status field displays one of the following messages:

    1. "OK to Modify" if the UDI is not applied to any products in IM13.

    2. "Set in Use" if the UDI is applied to one or more products in IM13. Note: You can delete lines on the UDI and you can delete the entire UDI even if it is in use in IM13.

How does the UDI Template Work?

  • User Defined Info templates are defined in IM11. Each template is assigned a UDI Code.
  • The UDI Code is assigned to a product in IM13/Miscellaneous in the UDI1 or UDI2 fields.
  • The template is designed to allow the Operator to add special information or instructions about a Product.
  • If the template is assigned to a Product in the UDI1 field, the template information is available to the Operator in OE30, IN41 and RS41 when the Product is entered on a Sales Order. The UDI button activates for the Product on the Sales Order and the Operator can access the information by clicking on the UDI button.
  • If the template is assigned to a Product in the UDI2 field, the template information prints on the Sales Order (or Packing Slip). This works well when the UDI2 information has special handling or storage instructions. There are specific UDI2 Print rules noted below.

Rules for Defining the UDI Template:

Open and Close brackets [ ] are used to define the typing area on a line.

  • Open Text Only - this template contains no headings or pre-defined text. Open Text is appropriate for up-selling tips ("Sell 'D' Batteries with this Product") or for specific Product information that will help the Order desk answer Product related questions.
    • Each line in the template contains an open/close bracket to define the number of characters of OPEN typing for that line.
    • If you want to allow 10 characters of open typing, enter 10 blank spaces between the open bracket [ and the close bracket ].
    • You may repeat this for as many lines as is necessary.
    • Assign the UDI Code in the IM13/Misc Folder UDI1 field for the product and add open text (free format) for each Product.

  • Hard Text Only - this template contains generic text that is applicable to many products. There are no brackets making the text 'hard coded'. The UDI Code is assigned as UDI1 on applicable products. The text is available to Operators during Order Entry and Invoicing.

  • Hard Text & Open Text - this template contains hard coded text and brackets for open typing. This option is appropriate when standard information is recorded, but the contents of the information vary from product to product.

    For example, Height: [      ] Weight: [      ] can be entered on the template line. When the template is added to a product in UDI1, the Operator fills in the height and weight values for that Product. The complete text is stored and optionally displayed during Order Entry and Invoicing.

  • Printed Text - when a UDI Code is added as UDI2, it is printed ONLY IF THE TEMPLATE CONTAINS BRACKETS. Also, only the first 5 lines of the template print on the Sales Order (Packing Slip). UDI2 information does not display during Order Entry. If your text is Hard Text only, but it must print on the Sales Order, then the Line Description field must include a [ ] at the end of the text.

The following table outlines the functionality of each button on IM11:

Button Label Icon Functionality
Delete Record Delete All Deletes all information related to the current UDI record. Before the information is deleted, the following message displays: "Delete Header and all its details? Yes/No". Select Yes to confirm the delete request; select No to cancel the delete request. Note: You can delete the entire UDI even if it is assigned to a product(s) in IM13.
Update Update Saves the information entered for the current UDI.
Delete Delete Deletes the line currently highlighted or recalled in the list box from the UDI. Note: You can delete line(s) from the UDI even if it is assigned to a product(s) in IM13.
New New All fields on this folder clear and you can begin adding a new UDI record.
Adjust Adjust Updates the UDI for templates assigned to the UDI2 field for products on unprinted sales orders.