Maintain Inventory Tables (IM09)

ABC Class Codes (IM09)
Catalogue Codes (IM09)
Character Codes (IM09)
Color Schemes (IM09)
Color/Size Codes (IM09)
Commodity Codes (IM09)
Developers (IM09)
Fragility Codes (IM09)
GL Codes (IM09)
Inventory Adj Codes (IM09)
Inventory Aging Group (IM09)
Inventory Aging Period (IM09)
Item Status (IM09)
Licensed Names (IM09)
Mark Up Category Codes (IM09)
Material Types (IM09)
Package Descriptions (IM09)
Package Designs (IM09)
Price Book Codes (IM09)
Product Brands (IM09)
Product Tests (IM09)
Quantity Break Codes (IM09)
Season Codes (IM09)
Selling Status (IM09)
Special Features (IM09)
Themes (IM09)
Unit of Measure Codes (IM09)
Warehouse Shipping Rates (IM09)

The Maintain Inventory Tables (IM09) module consists of a series of tables that contain Company specific (user-defined) codes which are subsequently:

  • Assigned to each product, for example Commodity code, Unit of Measure code or Class code.
  • Used to identify Inventory Adjustment types and GL Interface tables.
  • Used as parameters to create Reports.

There is a navigation tree on the left side of the panel that allows you to open each folder in IM09. To access a folder, double click on the folder name in the left-panel and the folder opens to the right. To access the Help for any folder from this window, click on the folder name in the index above.

Maintain Inventory Tables
Maintain Inventory Tables

Test Link - under construction

Test Link - under construction